I'm using natbib package and I'd like to have a bibliography where :
the citation in the text are like : [Kent, 2000] or [Kent and Lane, 2000] or [Kent et al., 2000] (in bold)
and in the bibliography : [Kent et al., year] Kent, C., Lane, L., Allen, B. (2000). The title of the article. Journal, etc
It is kind of a mix between "apalike" and "alpha" but my biggest problem is to have the brackets in the bibliography. I tried to edit the .bst files or via makebst but I was lost in it and didn't find the place where specify the brackets in the biblio... :-)
I hope it is clear, and someone has an idea ! Thks
instruction, right?) in the body of the document with "Kent, C. (2000)..." in the formatted bibliography unless you provide a "[Kent, 2000]" prefix? Similarly, are they having a hard time connecting "[Kent et al., 2000]" in the body of the document with "Kent, C., Lane, L., Allen, B. (2000) ... " in the bibliography unless they're also shown a "[Kent et al., 2000]" prefix?