I would like to plot two (rather simple) functions f, g
over domain -2:2
and fill the area between them. The fill color should be red if f > g
and green if f < g
(for example), and in later stage also shaded depending the x
coordinate (to show weighting of the difference).
So far I got to filling the area between them with uniform color with
\begin{axis}[axis on top=false, axis x line=middle, axis y line=middle,stack plots=y]
% plot first function
\addplot+[mark=none] {.55*x+.13} \closedcycle;
% substract first function from the second one, since they are stacked, and fill that area
\addplot+[mark=none,fill] {.2*x^3-.05*x^2+.2-(.55*x+.13)} \closedcycle;
\addplot+[mark=none] {0} \closedcycle; % should make the second function visible?
with the following problems/questions:
- the second function is not shown, it is only border of the filled area
- how to make the fill color different depending on the sign of the difference?
- how to shade it depending on
? - would I finally be better off using plain TikZ, perhaps specifying the functions as splines?