I am trying to compile an article
using XeLaTeX
. The article also contain a bibliography
file, which I want to print inside the article, without citing any of the bib entry.
Please see below the complete tex code-
\usepackage{fontspec} %for loading fonts
\usepackage{xunicode,xltxtra,url,parskip} %other packages for formatting
\usepackage[big]{layaureo} %better formatting of the A4 page
\usepackage{supertabular} %for Grades
\usepackage{titlesec} %custom \section
SmallCapsFont = Fontin-SmallCaps.otf,
BoldFont = Fontin-Bold.otf,
ItalicFont = Fontin-Italic.otf
\pagestyle{empty} % non-numbered pages
\font\fb=''[cmr10]'' %for use with \LaTeX command
\section{Section before Publications}
Section before Publications
\section{Section after Publications}
Section after Publications
To compile this code, I initially run XeLaTeX
followed by BibTeX
. The BibTeX
reports following error-
Process started
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2015) The top-level auxiliary file: sample.aux I found no \citation commands---while reading file sample.aux I found no \bibdata command---while reading file sample.aux I found no \bibstyle command---while reading file sample.aux (There were 3 error messages)
Process exited with error(s)
Below is the necessary detail-
- Tex Live 2015
- Texmaker 4.5
I don't see the bib entries in the generated article. What's wrong here?
with thebackend=bibtex
option i.e.\usepackage[backend=bibtex]{biblatex}
: it is syntactically wrong and is useless anyway.