Disregarding the recommendations to not use this kind of diagram, it's fairly straightforward to draw those kinds of things, just a matter of drawing some arc
s. I didn't try matching the colors, or making any sort of nice interface.
\foreach [count=\i] \total/\clr in {80/blue,60/red,45/green,25/cyan}
\draw [line width=2mm,\clr]
node[above,inner sep=0pt,black,font=\scriptsize]{\total}
arc[start angle=0,radius=0.5cm+\i*3mm,delta angle=-3.60*\total];
\matrix [every node/.style={right=1.5mm,black,font=\small}] at (2,2) {
\fill[blue] circle[radius=2mm] node {Iceland}; \\
\fill[red] circle[radius=2mm] node {Switzerland}; \\
\fill[green] circle[radius=2mm] node {USA}; \\
\fill[cyan] circle[radius=2mm] node {Turkey}; \\
\foreach [count=\i] \total/\clr in {10/cyan,20/green,30/red,50/blue}
\draw [line width=2mm,\clr]
% node[above,inner sep=0pt,black,font=\scriptsize]{\total}
arc[start angle=180,radius=0.5cm+\i*2.5mm,delta angle=3.60*\total];
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={above,anchor=south west,inner sep=0.5pt,xshift=-2mm,font=\scriptsize}]
\node [cyan] (I) at (0,0.2) {Italian};
\node [green] (F) at (I.north west) {French};
\node [red] (E) at (F.north west) {English};
\node [blue] (H) at (E.north west) {Hungarian};