My TODO notes are appearing in double when I use author= and size=\tiny options. I first saw this in LyX, where with fancyline it appeared to be drawing two overlapping lines. But it turns out I'm seeing something unusual in TeXstudio (MikTeX, Windows 10), too.

Screenshot of the PDF viewer in TeXstudio:

enter image description here

Here's the same, but zoomed in to the part showing what appears to be a note (without the author) below a note with an author and comment:

enter image description here

Here's my MWE:

This is \todo[size=\tiny,author=Me]{Here's a long comment that wraps around in the margin}a

Is this a bug in package todonotes?

  • If you check the Log of your editor, you will be hinted at the problem. I don't know how to resolve it but it's a start. The error is: Undefined control sequence. \ttl@finishall Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 19:45
  • @KhalidHussain no errors appear in my log. I see only one warning, LaTeX Warning: Marginpar on page 1 moved. Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 19:56
  • Checking the todonotes manual, the same thing seems to occur. I'm on TeX Live and on page 7 of the PDF, the example for theauthor option suffers from the same problem you're seeing. Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 19:58
  • @KhalidHussain Indeed. It's less obvious because the text does not wrap and the size of the font doesn't leave space between. Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 20:11

1 Answer 1


For me it seems to be a bug, caused by the usage of \tiny.

Please see the following MWE (blindtext is only used to have dummy text available):


This is\todo[size=\tiny,author=Me]{Here's a long comment that wraps 
  around in the margin}\ 
 a test. 
This is \todo[author=Me]{Here's a long comment that wraps 
  around in the margin} 
 a test. 

As you can see with the usual font size there is no error in the output:

enter image description here


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