I am writing my thesis and while reading an example report, I found this fancy kind of typesetting of chapter titles.
Could anyone give a possible way to achieve this?
I am writing my thesis and while reading an example report, I found this fancy kind of typesetting of chapter titles.
Could anyone give a possible way to achieve this?
The Hansen chapter style in Memoir looks like this. I don't know if there is a similar version for the standard or Koma classes. Add the following code to your preamble.
Also see, Hansen-like chapter heading and How to best set chapter title color in the memoir class's Hansen style?
Here is the source for the chapter style:
% helper macros
\endgroup% }
\parbox{\textwidth}{\chaptitlefont \strut bg\\bg\strut}}
%\microtypesetup{protrusion=false}% add this if you use microtype
\chaptitlefont\strut ##1\strut}%
} }
\aliaspagestyle{chapter}{empty} % just to save some space
\let\clearforchapter\par % cheating, but saves some space
\chapter{A chapter title}
Nam dui ligula, fringilla a, euismod sodales, sollicitudin vel,
wisi. Morbi auctor lorem non justo. Nam lacus libero, pretium at,
lobortis vitae, ultricies et, tellus. Donec aliquet, tortor sed
accumsan bibendum, erat ligula aliquet magna, vitae ornare odio metus
a mi.
\chapter*{A non-numbered chapter title}
Nam dui ligula, fringilla a, euismod sodales, sollicitudin vel,
wisi. Morbi auctor lorem non justo. Nam lacus libero, pretium at,
lobortis vitae, ultricies et, tellus. Donec aliquet, tortor sed
accumsan bibendum, erat ligula aliquet magna, vitae ornare odio metus
a mi.
Source is found at pg. 38 of Lars Marsden's manual:http://mirrors.ctan.org/info/latex-samples/MemoirChapStyles/MemoirChapStyles.pdf