I have several charts that I want to represent via Bar Charts. Initially I thought about grouping charts together (as shown in pic A) but since I will have several different charts and to save space I want to combine them into one big chart; something similar to the graph in here (also shown in pic B). Basically it should be one graph (x-y axis) that combines all the data from the current charts; but each part should be separated (maybe by a vertical axis line). I have no idea how to do that, is it possible? How?
More Info: The graphs I am trying to plot are based on a dataset that is not very large. The values 20,40,50,60,80 are precentage points. The current bars in the graphs have gaps for values of 30,70 percent, I don't want this gap to be there. The bars can be as close as the bars shown in Pic B. Since I have data (as the tables are named) for 10,20,30,40,50Fs it would be nice if each sub-group of bars has a label under the xticks and ordered as such. Other than that any re-arrangments/addition is fine. Update: Yes, re-organizing data files are allowed(coulnd't post it in comments).
The Tex File.
My code for the grouped plots:
legend columns=-1,
legend entries={{\color{red}{\tiny Algirthm A}}, {\color{blue}{\tiny Algorithm B}}},
legend to name=CombinedLegendBar,
area legend,
ylabel= {},
xlabel= {},
xtick pos=left,
ytick pos=left,
group style={
%xlabels at=edge bottom,
%ylabels at=edge left,
%xticklabels at=edge bottom,
horizontal sep=50pt,
vertical sep=30pt
\nextgroupplot[title={\scriptsize 10 Flows} ]
\addplot[ybar,draw=red,pattern color=red, pattern=dots] table[x={n}, y={p}] {10FA.dat};
\addplot[ybar,draw=blue,pattern color=blue, pattern=north east lines] table[x={n}, y={p}] {10FB.dat};
\nextgroupplot[title={\scriptsize 20 Flows} ]
\addplot[ybar,draw=red,pattern color=red, pattern=dots] table[x={n}, y={p}] {20FA.dat};
\addplot[ybar,draw=blue,pattern color=blue, pattern=north east lines] table[x={n}, y={p}] {20FB.dat};
\nextgroupplot[title={\scriptsize 30 Flows} ]
\addplot[ybar,draw=red,pattern color=red, pattern=dots] table[x={n}, y={p}] {30FA.dat};
\addplot[ybar,draw=blue, pattern color = blue, pattern=north east lines] table[x={n}, y={p}] {30FB.dat};
\nextgroupplot[title={\scriptsize 40 Flows} ]
\addplot[ybar,draw=red,pattern color=red, pattern=dots] table[x={n}, y={p}] {40FA.dat};
\addplot[ybar, draw=blue, pattern color =blue, pattern=north east lines] table[x={n}, y={p}] {40FB.dat};
\nextgroupplot[title={\scriptsize 50 Flows},
at = { ($ ( $ (group c1r2.south west) + (0,-50pt)$ )!0.5!(group c2r2.south east) $ ) } ]
\addplot[ybar,draw=red,pattern color=red, pattern=dots] table[x={n}, y={p}] {50FA.dat};
\addplot[ybar,draw=blue, pattern color=blue, pattern=north east lines] table[x={n}, y={p}] {50FB.dat};
\node[xshift=-1.2cm] at ($(group c1r1.west)!0.5!(group c1r2.west)$) {\rotatebox{90}{{\Large Y Axis Label}}};
\node[yshift=-1cm] at (group c1r3.south){{\Large X Axis Label}};
\node[yshift=-2cm] at (group c1r3.south){\ref{CombinedLegendBar}};