I have a .tex
file in the following path
C:\Users\sepideh\Desktop\dissertation\formulasInLatex\eigenvector or eigenvalue decompositions.tex
with the following content:
T_3 = U_P\sum_P U_P^{-1}
when I press the button Build & View
in TexStudio
I get the error:
Error: Could not start the command: pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "eigenvector or eigenvalue decompositions".tex
I also had another file in the same path:
C:\Users\sepideh\Desktop\dissertation\formulasInLatex\wave covariance matrix.tex
with a PDF file associated to it. That was built almost a year ago with an earlier version of TexStudio (Currently I'm using TeXstudio 2.11.2 with MikTex 2.9)
C:\Users\sepideh\Desktop\dissertation\formulasInLatex\wave covariance matrix.pdf
Meaning that I'm sure that the syntax of the second file is correct because it was compiled successfully in the past.
But when I deleted the PDF file to compile and build it again, I encounterd the same error:
Error: Could not start the command: pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "wave covariance matrix".tex
Can anyone suggest me why the command pdflatex.exe
couldn't start?
pdflatex --version
, and edit in the response you get.pdflatex.exe
? Look in its settings..exe