I am a beginner with Tikz, I'm reading some tutorials (by the way, if you want to link me some more, I'll be happy about!) and I'm trying to understand how it works.
But I need a "kick" for that: I have to draw this figure:
I started with
\draw [magenta, thick] circle [radius=3];
\draw [blue] circle [radius=4.3];
But then I did not find how to draw the radius (or the two radii) and the small segment, both with their letter above ($R$ and $a$).
I know the command
\draw [magenta, thick] circle [radius=3] -- (0, 3);
draws the radius, but it's completely vertical. How could I draw it with a certain angle? like in figure?
Also, I might find a way for the segment of $a$, but what about writing the letters? How to?
Thank you for all!
Thanks to Sigur, I managed to get this
And the code I used is this
\begin{tikzpicture} [scale=0.7]
\draw [magenta, thick] circle [radius=3] (0,0) node[above]{$R$}--(30:3cm);
\draw [blue, thick] circle [radius=4.3];
\draw [blue, thick] (3, 0)--(4.3, 0) node[above]{$a$} ;
new questions
How to pur the $a$ over the middle of the small segment? And the $R$ too, in a more elegant way.
\draw (a,b) -- (c,d);
Also you can use polar coordinates. In your case, the radius is 3, so you can draw from origin\draw (0,0) -- (45:3cm);
. For example,\draw (0,0)node[above]{$R$}--(45:3cm);
But this is only an example, since theR
should be over the segment, no the origin.