
Enter image description here

How do I make diagram 1 and 3 in the following picture in Beamer?

For example, I tried:



\smartdiagram[constellation diagram]


It looks similar to diagram 3, but the arrow is in the opposite direction.


3 Answers 3


All examples from the documentation of smartdiagram

Diagram 1: (with a little help from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/263961/36296)



  /tikz/connection planet satellite/.append style={<-},
  /tikz/satellite/.append style={rectangle,rounded corners=5mm},

\smartdiagram[constellation diagram]{
  Build a program,Set up,Run,Analyze,Modify Add,Check


enter image description here

Diagram 2:


\smartdiagramset{planet color=orange!60,
  distance planet-satellite=3cm
 \smartdiagram[connected constellation diagram]
  {Build a program,Set up,Run,Analyze,Modify~/\\ Add,Check}


enter image description here

Diagram 3:


\smartdiagram[constellation diagram]{
 Build a program,Set up,Run,Analyze,Modify~/\\ Add


enter image description here

Diagram 4:


\smartdiagram[bubble diagram]{%
  Build a program,Set up,Run,Analyze,Modify Add,Check


enter image description here


TikZ version

diagram 1


    myarrow/.style={single arrow,single arrow head extend=.1cm,anchor=east,minimum height=1.8cm,minimum width=.8cm},
    myrectangle/.style={rectangle,rounded corners=2,draw=white,text=white,inner sep=.5cm,align=center}]
\node(a)[draw=myblue,circle,fill=myblue,text=white,inner sep=.2cm,outer sep=.2cm]{Discipline};
\node(c)[draw=mygreen,fill=mygreen,myarrow,rotate=-45]at(a.north west){};
\node(e)[draw=myturquoise,fill=myturquoise,myarrow,rotate=-135]at(a.north east){};
\node(g)[myrectangle,fill=mygreen,anchor=south east]at(c.mid){Trust};
\node(g)[myrectangle,fill=myturquoise,anchor=south west]at(e.mid){Journey};

enter image description here

diagram 3


\begin{tikzpicture}[myarrow/.style={single arrow,single arrow head extend=.1cm,anchor=west,minimum height=.8cm,minimum width=.8cm},
    mycircle/.style={circle,text=white,inner sep=.2cm,outer sep=.2cm,minimum width=2.5cm}]
\node(a)[draw=myblue,mycircle,fill=myblue,circle,text=white,inner sep=.2cm,outer sep=.2cm]{Discipline};
\node(g)[draw=myred,fill=myred,mycircle,anchor=south]at(f.east){Self Control};

enter image description here

this is just a starting point, the code could very likely optimized, etc.


Try the smartdiagram-Package. Or use the Tkiz itself.

  • Yes I wanted to use smartdiagram, but I still do not know how.
    – Ginger
    Dec 18, 2016 at 13:12
  • @Ginger Then provide a minimal working example. Show us what you have tried.
    – buhtz
    Dec 18, 2016 at 13:13
  • for example, I tried : \smartdiagram[constellation diagram] {Love,Trust,Self-control,Journey,Obedience} It looks similar as diagram 3 but the arrow is in opposite direction.
    – Ginger
    Dec 18, 2016 at 13:24
  • @Ginger Don't comment. Put your code in your question. You can edit it. And use markdown to format your code.
    – buhtz
    Dec 18, 2016 at 13:24
  • 1
    Provide a Minimal Working Example and not just a line of code!
    – buhtz
    Dec 18, 2016 at 13:28

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