I have some old code that I am trying to revive. I worked fine before but now it does not, but the code has not changed(so it is due to the changed configuration of the software). There is no real error messages that make sense.
The problem is that there seems to be a package or packages that are interfering because when I remove them the tex code compiles but, of course, lots of errors.
I have gotten some of the code to work by removing the code that depended on the packages. (if the only line is the usepackage statement, it still crashes, meaning it is the package)
The packages are
xparse atbegshi xfrac mdframed(a lot of my code depends on this)
Package: xpatch 2012/10/02 v0.3 Extending etoolbox patching commands
Runaway argument?
\q_stop \exp_args:NNo \group_end: \iow_log:n \l__iow_wrap_tl \iow_log:n \ETC.
! File ended while scanning use of \__iow_wrap_loop:w.
After removing some stuff the infinite loop goes away(I think it is mainly mdframed and xparse).
It seems to be some issue with some stale packages, any ideas where to look or what I can do to try and figure it out?
\usepackage[margin=1in,a4paper]{geometry} % a5paper for electronic reading
\usepackage{luatex, graphicx}
\usepackage{tikz, pgffor}
Using miktex 2.9. It could be my install but this should work(again, it used to)
if you are trying to find the source of the error? Same goes for thesilence
package. (And, off-topic, but the 'sorry' comment seems a little odd. Are you saying 'Sorry, I'm not willing to try to help the people who want to help me any further than what I've already done?' Given the fact that the code you've provided includes two efforts to suppress console or.log
output, at best, this seems to be a warning to others to not try to help....)\begin{document}\scrollmode \par \batchmode\end{document}
is just nothing, whatever preamble you use)