So basically what I am trying to achieve is something like the following...
Mobile : +12 111 111 111 Email : [email protected]
Phone : +12 111 111 Website :
Nationality : Somenationality Birthdate : xx/xx/xxxx
keeping the blocks of text together for every line. I don't really know how to tackle that problem. The trick is to keep the :
together in a row, keep the same spacing between Mobile Information and the Email title for example and keep that space for the three lines. What would be the right solution to get this nicely together...
so far I solved it like this but it doesn't really work that great
{\LARGE \textbf{My Name}}\\
\textnormal{xx, rue du XX \ \ X-XXXX XXXXXX} \\[3mm]
\par\noindent\parbox{1.3cm}{Mobile}\parbox{0.2cm}{:} \parbox{3.5cm}{+122 111 111 111} \hspace{0.01cm} \parbox{1.3cm}{Email} \parbox{0.2cm}{:} \parbox{3.5cm}{[email protected]}\\
\par\noindent\parbox{1.3cm}{Phone} \parbox{0.2cm}{:} \parbox{3.5cm}{+122 111 111} \hspace{0.01cm} \parbox{1.3cm}{Website} \parbox{0.2cm}{:} \parbox{3.5cm}{}\\
\par\noindent\parbox{1.3cm}{Nat.} \parbox{0.2cm}{:} \parbox{3.5cm}{Somenationality} \hspace{0.01cm} \parbox{1.3cm}{Birthdate}\parbox{0.2cm}{:} \parbox{3.5cm}{xx.xx.xxxx}\\
package for typesetting websites or emails.