I try to draw an LTS instead of an automata, but I don't know whether TikZ has any specific options for LTS, so I tried to draw an automata, but in LTS you don't have usually circles around the states, so now I need to remove the circles in the states. I have the following code segment:
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=5 cm, scale = 1, transform shape]
\node[initial,state,initial text=] (1A) {$1A$};
\node[state] (1B) [below of=1A] {$1B$};
\node[state] (2A) [right of=1A] {$2A$};
\path[->] (1A) edge [loop above] node {$a$} (1A)
(1A) edge [bend left=10] node {$b$} (1B)
(1A) edge [bend left=10] node {$c$} (2A);
How can I draw an LTS in TikZ, or just remove the circles from the states of the automata above? Also, is it possible to change the placement of the text on edges? For example, the transition value is always written at the middle of the edge, is it possible to somehow push it closer to one state or the other (only for certain edges, not all of them)?