I have inserted using \input a .pgf image but I have a lot of white space between the image and the caption. I would like to crop the image so that I can reduce the white space. Is there any way I can crop a pgf image? Or reduce bring closer the caption?

    \caption{This is the caption.}


enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Option 1 -- edit .pgf image

If you look near the start of the .pgf file you'll probably see something like (see example file at bottom of answer)

\pgfusepath{use as bounding box, clip}%

You can modify the \pgfpathrectangle to modify the bounding box. The \pgfpointorigin is (0pt,0pt). So for example, if you want to crop off 0.1in off both the top and bottom of the figure, modify the first line to


Option 2 -- adjustbox

You can use the features of the adjustbox package, which allows you to use trim and clip for the content in an adjustbox environment, similar to what you'd do with \includegraphics, e.g.

\begin{adjustbox}{clip,trim=1cm 2cm 3cm 4cm}

The four lengths for trim specifies the clipping done from the left, bottom, right, and top, respectively.

An example is below. I first ran the Python code

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

And then the LaTeX code below produces this:

enter image description here

\begin{adjustbox}{clip,trim=1cm 0cm 0cm 0.4cm,max width=\textwidth}

The content of demo.pgf is as follows:

%% Creator: Matplotlib, PGF backend
%% To include the figure in your LaTeX document, write
%%   \input{<filename>.pgf}
%% Make sure the required packages are loaded in your preamble
%%   \usepackage{pgf}
%% Figures using additional raster images can only be included by \input if
%% they are in the same directory as the main LaTeX file. For loading figures
%% from other directories you can use the `import` package
%%   \usepackage{import}
%% and then include the figures with
%%   \import{<path to file>}{<filename>.pgf}
%% Matplotlib used the following preamble
%%   \usepackage{fontspec}
%%   \setmainfont{Bitstream Vera Serif}
%%   \setsansfont{Bitstream Vera Sans}
%%   \setmonofont{Bitstream Vera Sans Mono}
\pgfusepath{use as bounding box, clip}%
\pgfpathrectangle{\pgfqpoint{0.376435in}{0.289968in}}{\pgfqpoint{2.712500in}{1.550000in}} %
\pgftext[x=0.376435in,y=0.234413in,,top]{\sffamily\fontsize{10.000000}{12.000000}\selectfont 0}%
\pgftext[x=1.054560in,y=0.234413in,,top]{\sffamily\fontsize{10.000000}{12.000000}\selectfont 5}%
\pgftext[x=1.732685in,y=0.234413in,,top]{\sffamily\fontsize{10.000000}{12.000000}\selectfont 10}%
\pgftext[x=2.410810in,y=0.234413in,,top]{\sffamily\fontsize{10.000000}{12.000000}\selectfont 15}%
\pgftext[x=3.088935in,y=0.234413in,,top]{\sffamily\fontsize{10.000000}{12.000000}\selectfont 20}%
\pgftext[x=0.320879in,y=0.289968in,right,]{\sffamily\fontsize{10.000000}{12.000000}\selectfont 0.0}%
\pgftext[x=0.320879in,y=0.599968in,right,]{\sffamily\fontsize{10.000000}{12.000000}\selectfont 0.2}%
\pgftext[x=0.320879in,y=0.909968in,right,]{\sffamily\fontsize{10.000000}{12.000000}\selectfont 0.4}%
\pgftext[x=0.320879in,y=1.219968in,right,]{\sffamily\fontsize{10.000000}{12.000000}\selectfont 0.6}%
\pgftext[x=0.320879in,y=1.529968in,right,]{\sffamily\fontsize{10.000000}{12.000000}\selectfont 0.8}%
\pgftext[x=0.320879in,y=1.839968in,right,]{\sffamily\fontsize{10.000000}{12.000000}\selectfont 1.0}%
\pgftext[x=1.732685in,y=1.909413in,,base]{\sffamily\fontsize{12.000000}{14.400000}\selectfont Cropping!}%
  • Where did you get the .pgf file from, by the way? Looks like it is badly made, considering the too large bounding box. Commented Jan 2, 2017 at 16:18
  • Actually is produced by a Python backend matploltib library
    – G M
    Commented Jan 2, 2017 at 16:20
  • @GM adjustbox seems to work fine (see updated answer), I would try looking into what causes the large bounding box of the .pgf image though. (And personally I would make sure that the image generated by matplotlib has the correct size before inserting it into a document, so you don't have to scale the graphic.) Commented Jan 2, 2017 at 17:01
  • yes I was wondering if there was a way to crop the plot directly from the .pgf file but so far your answer seems the best solution
    – G M
    Commented Jan 2, 2017 at 17:13
  • @GM Well, you can also edit the .pgf file (I can write something about that in my answer), but I meant seeing looking at the matplotlib side of things. There is really a lot of whitespace in your screenshot. Did you use bbox_inches='tight' as in my example? Commented Jan 2, 2017 at 17:18

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