This is actually a FAQ, (La)TeX makes overfull lines. The simplest and best solution, as @Canagreek mentioned, is to load the microtype
package. This will greatly reduce the number of overfull lines, and generally make paragraphs look much better (uniform greyness and fewer hyphenated words).
If you still get overfull lines, and are willing to accept quite ugly paragraphs, you can add the command \sloppy
command. This sets the \tolerance
mentioned in @Marco’s answer to 9999 (the largest possible finite value), but also changes a few other parameters. The opposite of \sloppy
is \fussy
(and is the default).
Also make sure you load the correct hyphenation dictionaries for your text, e.g., \usepackage[UKenglish]{babel}
. Otherwise, TeX may have trouble find hyphenation points for words, or use the wrong hyphenation points.
causes the "violation", output in your.log
file as "badness". Rewording your sentence would work.