I am reading the tikz tab manual but I cannot find an answer.
\tikzset{arrow style/.style = {black,
>-> = latex’,thick ,
shorten > = 5pt,
shorten < = 5pt}}
\tkzTabInit[espcl=2.5]{$x$ /1,$f'$ /1, $f$ /2 }
{$0$ ,$e$, $+\infty$}
\tkzTabLine{ d,- , z,+ ,}
\tkzTabVar{ D+/$+\infty$ , -/$f(e)=2$/ , +/$+\infty$}%
and my desired output would be the following:
using the style \tikzset{h style/.style ={pattern=north west lines}}
Actually , I had placed h
and H
here but to no avail.
\tkzTabLine{ h,d,- , z,+ ,}
\tkzTabVar{ H,D+/$+\infty$ , -/$f(e)=2$/ , +/$+\infty$}%
Truth be told I can't follow some guidelines of the manual because it is in French and since I don't know French I cannot get useful information about the functionality of some code. Any help?
western lines
? And where are you trying to use the commandsh
? I don't see them in your code.