I'm using TeXstudio, on Mac OS X El Capitan, and I'm writing my text using some template written in LaTeX. I'm having problems installing some missing packages, for instance:

  1. babel support for serbian language
  2. upgreek.sty is missing

I tried various solutions that I have found on the Internet, and I'm running out of the options.

  • you're missing the underlying engine. you only have the editor installed. you need to install a current version of either MacTeX or TeX Live.
    – naphaneal
    Commented Jan 13, 2017 at 13:53
  • Try installing first MacTeX, tug.org/mactex, then texstudio.
    – tatojo
    Commented Feb 11, 2017 at 5:01

2 Answers 2


Real answer is using tlmgr command:

sudo tlmgr install package-name

For OSX (now macOS) there is also separate version of TeXLive available, which is called MacTex. The full installer comes with all packages (including upgreek, babel-serbian and babel-serbianc) and TeX Live Utility: a neat graphical front-end for tlmgr which allows installing and updating packages without the command line interface.

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