I want to add a caption below my table and my table is too aligned to the right, I want to bring it more to the left.

Here is the code of my table:


% added packages and column definitions
\usepackage{ragged2e}           % for smart align of cells' content
    \usepackage{enumitem}       % for nice list
\newlist{tabitemize}{itemize}{1}% <-- defined new list
\setlist[tabitemize]{nosep,     % <-- new list setup
                     topsep     = 0pt       ,
                     partopsep  = 0pt       ,
                     leftmargin = *         ,
                     label      = $\bullet$ ,
                     before     = \vspace{-0.6\baselineskip},
                     after      = \vspace{-\baselineskip}
\newcolumntype{I}[1]{>{\RaggedRight\arraybackslash             % <-- for lists in columns
                    \tabitemize} p{#1}<{\endtabitemize}}
\newcommand\mch[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{\small{#1}}}  % <-- for columns headers  

\def\TableCaption{Légende de table}

\begin{tabular}{@{} >{\RaggedRight}p{4cm} *{2}{I{4cm}} @{}}
\mch{Méthode de validation}
    &   \mch{Avantages}   &   \mch{Inconvénients} \\
Resubstitution Validation
    &   \item simple
        \item effortles
        &    \item Surapprentissage                 \\

How can I add a caption after my table and adjust the table's alignment?

  • Where is the caption?
    – Bernard
    Commented Jan 14, 2017 at 22:32
  • But you say it is too aligned to the left! You must have put it somewhere to observe this.
    – Bernard
    Commented Jan 14, 2017 at 22:36
  • I mean the table is too aligned.
    – AbdelKh
    Commented Jan 14, 2017 at 22:58

1 Answer 1


enter image description here

For caption is the simplest way to put your table in table float environment and add caption:


% added packages and column definitions
\usepackage{ragged2e}           % for smart align of cells' content
    \usepackage{enumitem}       % for nice list
\newlist{tabitemize}{itemize}{1}% <-- defined new list
\setlist[tabitemize]{nosep,     % <-- new list setup
                     topsep     = 0pt       ,
                     partopsep  = 0pt       ,
                     leftmargin = *         ,
                     label      = $\bullet$ ,
                     before     = \vspace{-0.6\baselineskip},
                     after      = \vspace{-\baselineskip}
\newcolumntype{I}[1]{>{\RaggedRight\arraybackslash             % <-- for lists in columns
                    \tabitemize} p{#1}<{\endtabitemize}}
\newcommand\mch[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{\small{#1}}}  % <-- for columns headers

\usepackage{showframe}% for show page layout


    \centering %%%% <-- for horizontal centering table in text
\begin{tabular}{@{} >{\RaggedRight}p{4cm} *{2}{I{3.6cm}} @{}}
\mch{Méthode de validation}
    &   \mch{Avantages}   &   \mch{Inconvénients} \\
Resubstitution Validation
    &   \item simple
        \item effortles
        &    \item Surapprentissage                 \\
    \caption{My caption below table} %%%% <-- caption

Table was slightly wider than text width, therefore I reduce width of last two column. With \centering I horizontally center table in text area.

I delete all not relevant part of your code and add \usepackage{showframe} for showing page layout. In real use this package and following command had to be deleted.


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