By "References", I mean the recommendation letter writers, For example, the VERY bottom of this CV, http://pages.uoregon.edu/bwebster/NSA-CV.pdf with 4 people.

Can someone point to a CV template with this "references" section? Or maybe what functions should I use to make such effect? (with 2 people on parallel blocks) I find plenty of CV templates online, but none of them has this part.

  • I don't use any specific CV template, but you can achieve this effect easily with a simple tabular environment, or the multicols package.
    – Alan Munn
    Commented Nov 15, 2011 at 3:25
  • I use moderncv. If you navigate to this page you will see a link for examples. Moderncv allows for various types of typeset formatting. You may view my choice of including references here. Recently, there was a post on this forum for adding a timeline to the dates. You might do a search in this forum for other comments about moderncv.
    – Tom Price
    Commented Nov 15, 2011 at 3:32
  • As I assume the CV you're linking to is your own, I suggest you insert the relevant part of it in your question as a picture, so users can see immediately what you are/were looking for.
    – doncherry
    Commented Nov 15, 2011 at 18:58
  • 1
    The link is now broken.
    – Charlie
    Commented Dec 10, 2014 at 16:18

2 Answers 2


Using bits and pieces from moderncv.cls, I put together and new entry type \cvdoublecolumn and a macro \cvreference. They will allow you to typeset your references like in your example, using the CV document class moderncv. If you're not familiar with moderncv, there's a big example file showing a lot of possibilities.

Astrinus's edit: I've substituted \cvline with \cvitem, as stated below, to ease copy and paste.



% Define \cvdoublecolumn, which sets its arguments in two columns without any labels


% usage: \cvreference{name}{address line 1}{address line 2}{address line 3}{address line 4}{e-mail address}{phone number}
% Everything but the name is optional
% If \addresssymbol, \emailsymbol or \phonesymbol are specified, they will be used.
% (Per default, \addresssymbol isn't specified, the other two are specified.)
% If you don't like the symbols, remove them from the following code, including the tilde ~ (space).

    \textbf{#1}\newline% Name



\subsection{set in separate rows}

\cvdoublecolumn{\cvreference{Nicolai Reshetikhin}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {University of California}
    {Berkeley, CA 94720-3840}
    {[email protected]}
    {\cvreference{Mikhail Khovanov}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {Columbia University}
    {990 Broadway}
    {New York, NY 10027}
    {[email protected]}

\cvdoublecolumn{\cvreference{Roman Bezrukavnikov}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}
    {77 Massachusetts Avenue}
    {Cambridge, MA 02139}
    {[email protected]}
    {\cvreference{Tom Braden}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {University of Massachusetts}
    {Amherst, MA 94720-3840}
    {[email protected]}

\subsection{set in one row only (like your example)}

\cvdoublecolumn{\cvreference{Nicolai Reshetikhin}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {University of California}
    {Berkeley, CA 94720-3840}
    {[email protected]}
    \cvreference{Roman Bezrukavnikov}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}
    {77 Massachusetts Avenue}
    {Cambridge, MA 02139}
    {[email protected]}
    {\cvreference{Mikhail Khovanov}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {Columbia University}
    {990 Broadway}
    {New York, NY 10027}
    {[email protected]}
    \cvreference{Tom Braden}
    {Department of Mathematics}
    {University of Massachusetts}
    {Amherst, MA 94720-3840}
    {[email protected]}


screenshot of the output

  • 9
    This won't work unless \cvline is replaced by \cvitem. \cvline is no longer defined in moderncv.cls.
    – sudosensei
    Commented Sep 8, 2013 at 18:18
  • 1
    Great stuff! Thanks for sharing. If you also want to make the emails clickable, and add another entry for mobile phone numbers, use this: \ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{\emailsymbol~\texttt{\href{mailto:#6}{\nolinkurl{#6}}}\newline} \ifthenelse{\equal{#7}{}}{}{\phonesymbol~#7\newline} \ifthenelse{\equal{#8}{}}{}{\mobilephonesymbol~#8}} ..and change the number behind \cvreference from 7 to 8.
    – matsr
    Commented Sep 29, 2013 at 22:23
  • 2
    In order to get the example output, I needed to add the line \moderncvtheme{casual} in the preamble. Commented Nov 5, 2013 at 1:53
  • If I use \cvdoublecolumn I receive and error
    – Donbeo
    Commented Apr 27, 2016 at 21:23

I recommend a mixture of minipages and tabular. For example:

\usepackage{marvosym} % For cool symbols.


% Referee 1
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}
% Referee 2
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}
\\ % Additional newline for spacing.
% Referee 3
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}


Each referee lives in a minipage, and these are arranged in a tabular environment.

  • 1
    @mark-s-everitt This was an accident: I used a cell phone, and missed the keys. To the poster: sorry, but I corrected the mistake as soon as I saw it. Please see also meta.tex.stackexchange.com/questions/1985/…
    – Boris
    Commented Nov 15, 2011 at 15:45
  • Ah, ok. I thought someone had a problem with the answer.
    – qubyte
    Commented Nov 15, 2011 at 23:23
  • 1
    I'm voting this up, if only because I couldn't even compile the other answer.
    – warship
    Commented Nov 3, 2016 at 2:39

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