I am having troubles in splitting the following equation over two lines - it is too long to fit in one line.

Ideally, I would like to split it between

 %%% split here

I tried both the split and the multiline environment but they do not seems to work with this particular case. Here the code

           y_{11} \\
           y_{12} \\
           y_{13} \\
           y_{2} \\
           y_{31} \\
\end{bmatrix}= \\ \begin{pmatrix}
  \Sigma_1 &          &         \\
           & \Sigma_2 &          \\
           &          & \Sigma_3 
 % split here
  \sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{11}^2 & \sigma_B^2 & \sigma_B^2        &     &       &           \\
   \sigma_B^2 & \sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{12}^2  & \sigma_B^2        &       &       &           \\
   \sigma_B^2 & \sigma_B^2 & \sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{13}^2       &     &       &           \\
              &          &         &    \sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{2}^2   &       &           \\
    &          &         &      &   \sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{31}^2  & \sigma_B^2            \\
    &          &         &      &   \sigma_B^2  &   \sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{32}^2      \\

Thanks in advance for the help

  • you must have amsmath loaded, for pmatrix so use multline not equation Commented Jan 15, 2017 at 15:45

2 Answers 2


There's no way that big matrix would fit on a page. But it's the purpose of symbol that of representing something else.

\DeclareMathOperator{\var}{var} % ??


  y_{11} \\
  y_{12} \\
  y_{13} \\
  y_{2} \\
  y_{31} \\
  \Sigma_1 &          &         \\
           & \Sigma_2 &          \\
           &          & \Sigma_3 
  \sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{11}^2 & \sigma_B^2 & \sigma_B^2 \\
  \sigma_B^2 & \sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{12}^2  & \sigma_B^2 \\
  \sigma_B^2 & \sigma_B^2 & \sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{13}^2
\Sigma_2&=\sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{2}^2
\sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{31}^2  & \sigma_B^2 \\
\sigma_B^2  &   \sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{32}^2


enter image description here

  • Thanks for the answer. You are right, even splitting it up (I used multline), the last matrix was too wide to fit. I guess I will go for a different approach such as the one you proposed. Thank you for your help, much appreciated
    – Marco C
    Commented Jan 15, 2017 at 16:07

I propose to use the aligned environment together with the \fleqnenvironment and the \medmath command from nccmath:



 & \begin{bmatrix}
           y_{11} \\
           y_{12} \\
           y_{13} \\
           y_{2} \\
           y_{31} \\
\end{bmatrix}= \begin{pmatrix}
  \Sigma_1 & & \\
           & \Sigma_2 & \\
           & & \Sigma_3
 % split here
 & \medmath{\setlength{\arraycolsep}{2pt}\renewcommand\arraystretch{1.5}
  \cramped{\sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{11}^2} & \sigma_B^2 & \sigma_B^2 & & & \\
   \sigma_B^2 & \sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{12}^2 & \sigma_B^2 & & & \\
   \sigma_B^2 & \sigma_B^2 & \sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{13}^2 & & & \\
              & & & \sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{2}^2 & & \\
    & & & & \sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{31}^2 & \sigma_B^2 \\
    & & & & \sigma_B^2 & \sigma_B^2 + \sigma_W^2 + V_{32}^2 \\

enter image description here

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