I want the atom symbol color and style below to be the same as the enclosing node style; how do I do it? Is there a way to reference the linestyle of \tikzlastnode?

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, calc}
\title{science symbol}
  atom/.style = {circle, minimum size=#1,
    append after command={%
        \foreach \ang in {0,120,240}
        \draw[rotate around={\ang:(0,0)}] (\tikzlastnode.center) ellipse (0.45*#1 and 0.15*#1); 
        \fill (\tikzlastnode.center) circle (0.05*#1);

\node[draw, atom=10mm] (C1) at (0,0){};
\node[draw, very thin, red, atom=10mm] (C2) at (2cm,0){};
\node[draw, thick, green, atom=10mm] (C3) at (2cm,2cm){};
\draw[->] (C1) -- (C2);
\draw[->] (C1) -- (C3);


enter image description here

1 Answer 1


I muddled my own way through this again, and found an alternative approach using \pgfdeclareshape rather than append after command. (why does it always feel like a painful victory when I do this sort of thing???) Other reference questions I used were

but it was basically just how to use \pgfdeclareshape to work from the circle shape, see https://svn.ssec.wisc.edu/repos/geoffc/LaTeX/beamerposter_UW-SSEC/pgfmoduleshapes.code.tex for source code.

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, calc}
\title{science symbol}
    \foreach\ang in {0,120,240}{
  atom/.style = {atomshape, minimum size=#1}

\node[draw, atom=10mm] (C1) at (0,0){};
\node[draw, very thin, red, atom=10mm] (C2) at (2cm,0){};
\node[draw, thick, green, atom=10mm] (C3) at (2cm,2cm){};
\draw[->] (C1) -- (C2);
\draw[->] (C1) -- (C3);


enter image description here

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