I want to make footnotes both at Sentence 1 and Sentence 2 (which are on the same page) to the same footnote.

For example, Wikipedia's "References" have this effect.


18 Answers 18


You could do this (tested in article and amsart):

Text with first footnote\footnote{\label{note1}This is the labeled footnote}
and more text with a second footnote\footnote{here}.

In this new paragraph we have a reference to the first

The result will be

Footnotes as per above code example

Edit: Further testing reveals, that the above solution fails when footnotes are numbered with anything other regular numbers. This is due to the fact, that the argument to \footnotemark is the value of a counter. Placing


in the preamble will allow us to mend the above example allowing any numbering of the footnotes.

Text with first footnote\footnote{\label{note1}This is the labeled footnote}
and more text with a second footnote\footnote{here}.

In this a paragraph we have a reference to the first footnote\footnoteref{note1}.

Edit 2: This will cause a problem when using hyperref where the link created by the \footnoterefmacro points to the previous footnote and not to the referenced footnote. Using the package cleveref as in this answer seems to be the perfect fit.

  • 3
    Thanks spet! But when I add \usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref} to the preamble, the red square of the last footnote is not displayed properly. Do you mind giving some hints?
    – Covi
    Commented Nov 16, 2011 at 13:02
  • @Covi: I'm not all that familiar with the internals of hyperref but I suspect that the problem is, that the link is constructed from the value of the footnote counter and not the value associated with the label given to \footnoteref. I think we need an expert on the subject to solve this :) Commented Nov 16, 2011 at 13:17
  • 2
    @Covi: DO NOT provide a driver to hyperref. It is smart enough to do this by itself, and a wrong driver will cause a lot of trouble. Commented Nov 16, 2011 at 13:41
  • 13
    @Covi: Have a look at Multiple references to the same footnote with hyperref support - is there a better solution?. It looks like it would be helpful. Commented Nov 16, 2011 at 13:42
  • This second answer to @MartinScharrer's link works for me. I will edit the above answer. Commented Nov 16, 2011 at 20:44

Objection, your honor:

Have you ever seen that in a book? Probably not. Because: Two footnotemarks numbered with e.g. an "8" raise the question whether it is a typo. But your readers can not come and ask you, if you really meant to do it this way.

Please, if you'd like to refer to the same text, make a footnote saying (maybe in better English than mine):

¹ Long sentence at: Wallace, Infinite Jest, p. 1234.

² See footnote 1.

What you'd like to do is against an old and sensible tradition. It neither an excuse that a part of Wikipedia does it, nor that it is technically possible.

  • 44
    In general I have the same opinion about this as you, but for example this is really common for affiliations: Smith, A. ^1, Miller, B. ^2, Williams, C. ^1 --- 1 Institute for Research on Footnotes, A-town. 2 Footnotes Reasearch & Developement, Inc., B-town. (especially if there is a list of 20 authors with 14 affiliations, and some of the authors have even more than one affiliation.)
    – Stephen
    Commented Mar 12, 2012 at 17:12
  • 14
    Another application is footnote in tables, as mandated e.g. in the Physical Review style. It can help distinguish the way different values are obtained while not obstructing the main purpose of the table (comparing them). Commented May 11, 2018 at 8:01
  • 19
    Imagine you have a table with many rows, and you want to point out that several cell entries are similar in some way (e.g. are all pain killers, or are all diabetes medication). Then you use a footnote "pain killers", to which all footmarks 1 point, a footnote "diabetes medication", to which all footmarks 2 point. Just because you can't imagine a use case, it doesn't mean that one does not exist.
    – Ataxias
    Commented Oct 19, 2019 at 6:32
  • 9
    @KeksDose The title is "Reference different places to the same footnote", so very general. The question starts with "For example, ...", so it's just an example use case. I agree with you that the particular example was not a good use case of the technical feature, but a good answer would answer how the objective can be technically achieved, and then comment that "however, this example is not a good use case". Don't forget that people searching for this feature would land on this page, and they may have legitimate use cases in mind.
    – Ataxias
    Commented Oct 19, 2019 at 18:42
  • 6
    Reader need not wonder! If using a typesetting system such as LaTeX, that automates numbering of footnotes, then it is pretty obvious that the author went out of their way to repeat a specific reference. The OP did not ask “should I do this“, but “how to do this”. The answer cannot be an editorial opinion (although such recommendation may constitute a side note to an actual, technical answer).
    – Maëlan
    Commented Feb 24, 2021 at 15:13

I'm a bit surprised that noone mentioned KOMA-Script's \footref before. The KOMA-Script manual also has an example where multiple reference to the same footnote could make sense:

Maybe you have to mark each trade name with a footnote which states that it is a registered trade name.

One could think of other similar cases…


Company SplishSplash\footnote{This is a registered trade name.
All rights are reserved.\label{refnote}}
produces not only SplishPlump\footref{refnote}
but also SplishPlash\footref{refnote}.


This functionality can be used with the standard classes by using scrextend:


Company SplishSplash\footnote{This is a registered trade name.
All rights are reserved.\label{refnote}}
produces not only SplishPlump\footref{refnote}
but also SplishPlash\footref{refnote}.


The documentclass memoir already has its own \footref:


Company SplishSplash\footnote{This is a registered trade name.
All rights are reserved.\label{refnote}}
produces not only SplishPlump\footref{refnote}
but also SplishPlash\footref{refnote}.


And for completeness' sake: the footmisc package also defines \footref:


Company SplishSplash\footnote{This is a registered trade name.
All rights are reserved.\label{refnote}}
produces not only SplishPlump\footref{refnote}
but also SplishPlash\footref{refnote}.

  • 2
    \footref{refnote} worked perfect for me, even when inside a table! Commented Apr 8, 2013 at 22:31
  • 2
    footmisc package also has \footref
    – Fran
    Commented Aug 25, 2015 at 16:02
  • When I run this the repeated notes show a double questions mark instead of the footnote number.
    – K1.
    Commented Oct 31, 2016 at 3:48
  • @Keivan you a) need a \label in the right place and b) must at least compile twice!
    – cgnieder
    Commented Oct 31, 2016 at 6:32
  • 1
    Just an FYI, the scrextend package works fine with report, but it causes conflicts with ACM's template for conference papers: acm.org/publications/proceedings-template Specifically, I got an error Command \@subtitlefont already defined.. Luckily the footmisc package works with the ACM template.
    – Jay
    Commented Dec 21, 2020 at 21:39

I found a rather simple way to do this. Just place a label inside the first footnote, and where you want your second reference you make insert a cross reference to that label in superscript, to make it look like a footnote

    line1 \footnote{text bla bla \label{xx}}
    line2 \textsuperscript{\ref{xx}}
  • This seems to be a slight variation of this answer.
    – lockstep
    Commented Jun 4, 2013 at 12:54
  • 2
    This becomes a problem when there's a page break between the two lines.
    – rmp251
    Commented May 13, 2014 at 15:19
  • 5
    \textsuperscript doesn't match the font of \footnote in general, although at least this answer doesn't conflict with other packages.
    – EL_DON
    Commented Jan 24, 2018 at 22:00

The Wikibook LaTeX provides an answer to this question:

To make multiple references to the same footnote, you can use the following syntax:

Text that has a footnote\footnote{This is the footnote} looks like this.
Later text referring to same footnote\footnotemark[\value{footnote}] uses
the other command.

If you need hyperref support, use instead:

Text that has a footnote\footnote{This is the footnote}
\addtocounter{footnote}{-1}\addtocounter{Hfootnote}{-1} looks like this.
Later text referring to same footnote\footnotemark uses the other command.

Note that these approaches don't work if there are other footnotes between the first reference and any of the other "duplicates".

  • This works even within the beamer-class
    – Murmel
    Commented Jul 24, 2019 at 9:30

The package fixfoot make just that, specially designed for footnotes that appears very often, but in a page-by-page basis. This way the reader never need to go back to read a footnote, but never is printed more than once in the same page.

Each repeated footnote must be pre-declared and invoked with their own custom command (e.g. \repnote) in the preamble or the document environment. Note that duplicates of the footnote appear in the first compilation. You need two compile at least twice. Note also that in next pages the footnote could appear again but with a higher count:


\DeclareFixedFootnote{\repnote}{ This is a repated footnote} 
Text with first footnote\repnote\ and more text with a 
second normal footnote.\footnote{ This is a single footnote} 
Now again the first footnote.\repnote
Again the first note \repnote  and another  footnote\footnote{ 
This is a another footnote}, and finally the fixed footnote\repnote.

If you do not want use \repnote\ to maintain the space between words, you can use the starred version (\DeclareFixedFootnote*) that automatically insert a \xspace (however, the xspace is not loaded automatically with fixfoot (i.e., you will need \usepackage{fixfoot,xspace} in the preamble).

  • This doesn't work for me. It just repeats the footnote with a new number.
    – K1.
    Commented Oct 31, 2016 at 3:45
  • 1
    @Keivan You must compile my MWE two times. The first time you will see 6 footnotes, but the second time only the four showed here.
    – Fran
    Commented Oct 31, 2016 at 3:53
  • The first time this appears in text, the footnote mark is A, as it should be for my document. The second time, though, it's a 1. The mark in the footer is an A, as it should be.
    – EL_DON
    Commented Jan 24, 2018 at 22:04
  • @EL_DON With this information and without a minimal working example (MWE) I am afraid that I would have to be psychic to understand your problem. Please first check if some question about footnote marks in this site help you, otherwise post your own question with a MWE to show clearly what are you trying (and stating clearly what is the desired result).
    – Fran
    Commented Jan 24, 2018 at 23:08
  • Just add \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\Alph{footnote}} to the code in your answer. Only the first instance of \repnote gets the \Alph
    – EL_DON
    Commented Jan 25, 2018 at 17:08

For beamer, the solution using \footnotemark[\ref{<tag>}] did not work for me. I used \textsuperscript instead.

Text with first footnote\footnote{\label{note1}This is the labeled footnote}
and more text with a second footnote\footnote{here}.

In this a paragraph we have a reference to the first

enter image description here


I stumbled across the same question. Also, for me, \footnotemark did not work. Reason being the Hyperref-Declarations in the Template to be used from University. I actually found a similar workaround as posted above, just without the use of additional usepackages.

My footnote (the 6st) was labeled Pereira. Occuring again in a later spot, I also "pretended" to have a footnote by using the following workaround: $^{\ref{pereira}}$. It looks like a footnote, and if it is clicked it jumps to the correct one :)

In summary one can use \label{footnotelabel} in the original footnote, and reference a second time via

  • Besides that your readers will probably assume an error, this is a funny idea. +1
    – Keks Dose
    Commented Mar 14, 2016 at 13:46

There is a particular use-case that I find occurring the most often to me: author and their affiliations cross-reference each other as it was mentioned above. For this particular case I use authblk package that works exactly as expected with most of the standard classes of documents:




\author[1,2]{First Last}
\author[2,3]{Name Surname}


The solution for OpTeX:


Text with first footnote\fnote{This is the labeled footnote}\flabel[note1]
and more text with a second footnote\fnote{here}.

In this new paragraph we have a reference to the first

  • To somebody who gave me negative voice: the original question isn't concerned to LaTeX. There were only LaTeX solutions (why?), I added a nonLaTeX solution.
    – wipet
    Commented Jun 27, 2023 at 18:46

For me the combination of
\footnote{\label{label1}footnote text}
for the first footnote and
for the second footnote worked in

  • 1
    IMHO Clemen's answer already shows this. Commented Mar 9, 2017 at 17:03
  • 1
    @Schweinebacke it does :)
    – cgnieder
    Commented Mar 9, 2017 at 18:11
  • hmm @Schweinebacke, then a tl;dr would be a nice addition to their answer.
    – fose
    Commented Apr 20, 2023 at 11:59

Digging this up to add a note on affiliations:

While I originally ended up on this page to do exactly what the OP intended, I agree with Keks Dose - referring to a footnote as in your example seems the more sensible option (and it's something I have frequently seen footnotes that say "See above" in books etc.)

Stephen, any decent LaTeX template should provide means of adding affiliations without having to resort to "normal" footnotes. In the LNCS template I'm using quite frequently for papers, this is achieved using the \inst command (for institute):

\author{First Author\inst{1} \and Second Author\inst{1} \and Another Author\inst{2}}

Some university
Some company

I don't know if there are any packages that do this, but I would think so ...

  • Do you mean \documentclass{llncs}?
    – DrBeco
    Commented Feb 5, 2023 at 1:05

Simple solution: Define new command \footnoteref in preamble as:


Then in your text:


dummy text with footnote\footnote{Hello world\label{note1}}
then more dummy text with same footnote number\footnoteref{note1}


The package footmisc does the job perfectly for me.

Something\footnote{First footnote\label{ref1}} is something which is something which is something\footref{ref1} which is again, something\footref{ref1}.

I find the following method easier.

For instance\footnotemark I can use the same footnote more than once\footnotemark[\value{footnote}]. \footnotetext{footnote with two references}

enter image description here

Ref: https://de.overleaf.com/learn/latex/footnotes#Footnotes_with_multiple_references

  • This works, but only if you have no other footnotes in between, because then the counter would have gone up again
    – 5Ke
    Commented May 9, 2022 at 11:14

Using a different style of reference to the same footnote later on seems a better solution to me by implying that, in effect, the authors are sending the readers to revisit an old footnote. To do otherwise may be more confusing to the reader, who may not realize that, for example, he(she) has been sent to a different page bottom than where the reader was reading. Plus which, the coding for doing it that way is very simple, i.e., for the original footnote and secondary reference one enters

\footnote{\label{note1}Whatever the text of the footnote is}
Blah, blah, blah---See footnote \ref{note1}. 

This automatically inserts the footnote reference number, e.g., See footnote 18.


Another way would be:

my note\footnote{\label{foot:MY_LABEL} Text text}}.

And, to use again:

Refer Again\textsuperscript{\ref{foot:MY_LABEL}}

While the accepted answer works well within the main body of text, it does not work when trying to use footnotes in captions of tables and figures.

In captions we have to rely on combinations of \footnotemark and \footnotetext.

A possible solution then is to create a counter after placing the first footnotemark, and then to set it to have the value of the built-in footnotemark-counter:

\caption[First caption without footnote for use in list of tables]{First caption with footnote\footnotemark}

\footnotetext{This is the text for our first footnote}

Now that we have saved the footnote value for later reference, we can freely add other footnotes\footnotemark
\footnotetext{A completely different footnote}

And then we can use our first footnote again as follows:

\caption[Second caption without footnote for use in list of tables]{Second caption with the first footnote\footnotemark[\value{extrafootnotecounter}]}

Note that this solution is not restricted to use within captions.

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