I'm a little bit lost regarding the inclusion of an animation in my presentation. I have tried to use the animation package, but I am not even close to the desired result.

The animation I would like to have is very simple: a seesaw that is first completely horizontal. Then moves downward (left side of the seesaw higher than the right side). And then horizontal again. These are three moves, which I want to happen when I click my mouse in the presentation.

I made an example of the seesaw in powerpoint, to give a bit of an illustration of the animation (for example, the euro should be higher than the dollar when the seesaw moves). I would like to use this in a formal academic presentation, so any tips regarding the layout are also very welcome! Seesaw bond yield example

  • What can I further do to get some reactions on this post? As I was not even close to a desirable result, I cannot post a MWE. Other suggestions to get more response?
    – peter
    Commented Jan 26, 2017 at 16:28
  • 5
    It is not clear what the actual problem is (using animate, creating the graphics, etc.). I recommend starting to read the TikZ manual. TikZ allows you to create vector graphics inline (i. e. in the source of your document). Animating is the minor problem then.
    – AlexG
    Commented Jan 27, 2017 at 16:41
  • 1
    Animations in PDFs depend on the PDF-Viewer. Commented Jan 28, 2017 at 14:06
  • 1
    Peter, you have the problem, of creating an animated image with LaTeX means, is that true?
    – Jan
    Commented Jan 28, 2017 at 18:58
  • 1
    What have you tried so far? Having a look at the picture itself, it does not look very hard to get the desired output for one frame of the animation if you have a look at the basics of the tikz package.
    – epR8GaYuh
    Commented Jan 29, 2017 at 9:52

1 Answer 1


% for animations see beamer documentation page 135f (for version 3.33)
% what I have failed to find in the documentation
% is that the "counter" in \animatevalue may NOT be a LaTeX counter
% but must be TeX count
% regarding the difference see
% https://www.texdev.net/2009/11/17/tex-counts-and-latex-counters/
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/18201/120953
\pgfdeclarelayer{bg1}    % declare background layer
\pgfdeclarelayer{bg2}    % declare background layer
\pgfsetlayers{bg2,bg1,main}  % set the order of the layers (main is the standard layer)
        my border style/.style = {
            line width=2pt,
        my fill style/.style = {
        mynodestyle/.style = {
            my border style,
            minimum size=3em,
            outer sep=0pt,
            transform shape,
        \node[mynodestyle, fill=blue!30!white] (euro) at (-2, 0) [above] {\%\euro};
        \node[mynodestyle, fill=red!30!white] (dollar) at (2, 0) [above] {\%\$};
            \draw[my border style, my fill style] (euro.south) ++(0,5pt) rectangle (dollar.south);
    \begin{scope}[yshift=5pt, scale=1.5]
        \path[my fill style, rounded corners=4pt] (0,0) -- (1,-1) -- (-1,-1) -- cycle;
            % note how I am using twice the line width because half of the line is overdrawn by the filling
            % if you are very interested in this topic, take a look at this question: https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/29991/120953
            \path[my border style, rounded corners=4pt, line width=4pt,] (0,0) -- (1,-1) -- (-1,-1) -- cycle;
    % ensure the tikzpicture has always the same height
    % by always drawing it (invisibly) for the extreme values additionally.
    % note that with draw=none the border would not be drawn
    % and therefore the picture would be 0.5\pgflinewidth smaller.
        \node[mynodestyle, fill=none, draw opacity=0] (euro) at (-2, 0) [above] {};
        \node[mynodestyle, fill=none, draw opacity=0] (dollar) at (2, 0) [above] {};
    \node[mynodestyle, fill=none, draw opacity=0] (euro) at (-2, 0) [above] {};
    \node[mynodestyle, fill=none, draw opacity=0] (dollar) at (2, 0) [above] {};

enter image description here

With evince this is playing rather slow, but I suppose that is a matter of the viewer, not the code.

Alternatively one might try to use TikZ to create a gif as shown here and "embed" this with \movie, see beamer documentation section 14.1 Animations.

Animation on a single beamer frame using animate, as requested by the OP; click on the graphicss again to see the second half of the sequence. This requires either A-Reader, Foxit or PDF-XChange viewer:


% command for printing the current BBox coordinates to the terminal
    \pgfpointanchor{current bounding box}{south west}%
    \pgfpointanchor{current bounding box}{north east}%
    \typeout{+++BoundingBox: (\llx,\lly)\space(\urx,\ury)+++}


% see-saw ; graphic with parameter (angle)
\newcommand\seesaw[1]{ %#1: angle
      \useasboundingbox (-2.5843,-1.00703) rectangle (2.73778,1.89165);
          mynodestyle/.style = {
              minimum size=3em,
              transform shape,
          \node[mynodestyle, fill=blue!.3!white] (euro) at (-2, 0) [above] {\%\euro};
          \node[mynodestyle, fill=red!.3!white] (dollar) at (2, 0) [above] {\%\$};
          \draw (euro.south) -- (dollar.south);
      \draw[] (0,0) -- (1,-1) -- (-1,-1) -- cycle;
      \node[mynodestyle, fill=none, draw=none] (euro) at (-2, 0) [above] {};
      \node[mynodestyle, fill=none, draw=none] (dollar) at (2, 0) [above] {};

    \multiframe{21}{iAngle=0+-1}{ % 0, -1, ...,-20
    \newframe* %Pause; click to continue
    \multiframe{20}{iAngle=-19+1}{ % -19, -18, ..., 0


enter image description here

  • This is indeed what I intended! I gues the separate pages will at some point turn into one animation? I would really appreciate it if you could make this even nicer :) I will take a more detailed look at your code tomorrow, as I of course want to learn to make these things myself.
    – peter
    Commented Jan 30, 2017 at 23:30
  • 1
    The separate pages are the way beamer does animations. It plays them automatically with a given speed but this also depends on the pdf viewer. The beamer documentation gives you more explanation.
    – JLo0815
    Commented Jan 31, 2017 at 8:11
  • 1
    The bounding box changes between animation frames. I took the liberty to add a macro that prints the current BBox coordinates to the terminal. These can be used to set the same BBox for all frames ( \useasboundingbox (...,...) rectangle (...,...);. Moreover I added a version that makes use of the animate package. After all, it is you, @jakun, who deserves the bounty.
    – AlexG
    Commented Jan 31, 2017 at 10:30
  • @AlexG thanks. I have just installed Foxit Reader Version 2.3.0 but I can not find the button to enter fullscreen mode... I have tried F5 (which does the trick in evince) and F11 (which I have read online for Foxit) but nothing happened.
    – jakun
    Commented Jan 31, 2017 at 16:45
  • @AlexG I have figured out why the size of the TikZ picture was changing in my first attempt: I tried to draw the see-saw always additionall invisibly at the extreme positions. But with \draw=none the border was not drawn and thus .5\pgflinewidth were missing. I like your idea of saving the bounding box (although I am a little surprised it looks so complicated) but I think it's good to show several different options. Therefore I am using my first approach again in my example and have moved your macro to your example.
    – jakun
    Commented Jan 31, 2017 at 19:30

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