Hi I am trying to create a pie chart and have used the following code to do so. I import everything properly, however, I cannot use my created "data" command for some reason. I get the error "Undefined Control Sequence". What am I doing wrong:
\usepackage[landscape, a4paper, bottom=0cm, margin=0in, top=2cm]{geometry}
%Header Stuff
\pgfplotsset{compat=newest} % Allows to place the legend below plot
units, % Allows to enter the units nicely
\pswedge[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=#1,opacity=.5](0,0){4}{!\thecounter}{!\thecounter\space #2 add}%
\uput{2}[!#2 2 div \thecounter\space add](0,0){#2\%}%
\date{January 2017}
Where I "use" my piechart in a Page3:
\hspace{2cm}{\Huge \color{customblack1} ABCD inddeling}
something into a page style like that.\include
always starts a new page, so it can't go into the background of this one.