This is a picture of a disk, made of a thin layer of molten plastic, and then of the same disk after we stretch it and bend it to overlap itself: the deformed disk. I would like to make clear to the viewer which part of the original disk goes where in the deformed disk. I think this picture would be easier to understand with a little fading of both the disk and the deformed disk, but I can't seem to get the deformed disk to fade, probably because it overlaps itself.
\newcommand*{\x}{cos(2*pi*\i/\NNN r)}
\newcommand*{\y}{sin(2*pi*\i/\NNN r)}
\newcommand*{\xp}{cos(2*pi*(\i+1)/\NNN r)}
\newcommand*{\yp}{sin(2*pi*(\i+1)/\NNN r)}
\fill[gray!20,draw=gray!30,ultra thick] (-4,0) circle (1cm);
\node at (-2.5,0) {\({}\to{}\)};
\fill[gray!40,draw=gray!30,ultra thick] ({exp(\XXX)},0)
\foreach \i in {0,...,\NNN}
-- ({exp(\XXX*\xp)*cos(\YYY*\yp r)},{exp(\XXX*\xp)*sin(\YYY*\yp r)})
} -- cycle;
\fill[gray!20,draw=gray!30,ultra thick,even odd rule] ({exp(\XXX)},0)
\foreach \i in {0,...,\NNN}
-- ({exp(\XXX*\xp)*cos(\YYY*\yp r)},{exp(\XXX*\xp)*sin(\YYY*\yp r)})
} -- cycle;
even odd rule
key (cf. p.172, pgfmanual, v3.0.1a)?