Ok so I know about the \lettrine package and using it to adjust the first letter of a paragraph. What I am interested in is adjusting the first three or four letters of the first word of a paragraph. For example:
Hello, this is the beginning of my paragraph. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
^ in the above example I want the H in hello to be super big - similar to using lettrine. But now I want the e to be capital and also big, but smaller than the H, and then the first L to also be capital and smaller than the E but larger than the remaining text. Think of it as having 3 beginning characters - each having varying heights - all above the text base (not hanging like the letterine default).
The equivalent in a regular word processor would be: [26pt] {H}, [22pt] {E}, [18pt] {L}, [11pt] {lo, this is my starting para...
I cannot use lettrine more than once in a row, as the letters stack vertically.
What I do currently is:
\lettrine{H}{}\begin{Huge}E\end{Huge}\begin{LARGE}L\end{LARGE}\begin{large}L\end{large}o there. Ramble ramble ramble....
or\mypar{Hel}lo ...
or\mypar Hello ...
That last option seems more intuitive.