I have found a small issue with negative values graph in tikzpicture. My source code is very simple:
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{report}
\begin{axis}[xlabel={Power (dBm)}, ylabel={log BER (---)},
xmin=-10, xmax=-25,
ymin=-1, ymax=-25,
legend pos=north east, grid=major]%or north west, ... ,outer north east
\addplot file[skip first] {graphs/1-32.txt};
\addplot file[skip first] {graphs/1-64.txt};
\caption{Power vs. log BER}
I can include my 1:32.txt file:
x y
-18.28 -20.00392635
-19.42 -16.09799711
-20.57 -12.16749109
-21.72 -8.70333481
-22.87 -5.931814138
-24.06 -4.004803708
-25.23 -2.721246399
and 1:64 file:
x y
-18.13 -20.99567863
-19.29 -17.79263496
-20.43 -13.67778071
-21.24 -9.779891912
-22.73 -6.671620397
-23.88 -4.447331784
-25.36 -3
-25.78 -2.301029996
Both has negative values and my graph is not draw correctly.
The picture shows what I got. I added the black line with expected line and green colors represents the values of axis.
Thanks in advance for your time and ideas.