I'm trying to generate a external Makefile (and others) file using latex and the filecontents or fancyvrb package. As the \t
(tabs) characters in input file are converted to space in output file (see output tabulation into a file, i have decided to do a little trick using a little Lua (i know you can with sed
or perl
As I am not very familiar with Lua
but written the following code (The forum convert real tabs to spaceexample.tex
% example.tex
% arara: lualatex : {draft: yes,action: nonstopmode}
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: clean: { files:[example.aux,example.log,Makefile.tmp,Makefile.tab] }
The original Makefile whit real tabs (show whit arrow)
%% forum convert tabs into space...replace whit real tab (show in red)
\begin{Verbatim}[obeytabs, showtabs, tab=\rightarrowfill, tabcolor=red,showspaces, spacecolor=blue]
clean: clean-test
rm -f *.bbl *.bcf *.bib *.blg *.xdy # biblatex
distclean: clean
rm -f *.cls *.sty *.clo *.tar.gz *.tds.zip README
%.cls: %.dtx
tex $<
%.pdf: %.dtx
pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error $<
Write in external file (Makefile.tab)
clean: clean-test
rm -f *.bbl *.bcf *.bib *.blg *.xdy # biblatex
distclean: clean
rm -f *.cls *.sty *.clo *.tar.gz *.tds.zip README
%.cls: %.dtx
tex $<
%.pdf: %.dtx
pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error $<
Read Makefile.tmp file, (tabs are convert in space)
\VerbatimInput[obeytabs, showtabs, tab=\rightarrowfill, tabcolor=red,showspaces, spacecolor=blue]{Makefile.tab}
Create lua funtion only in lualatex
-- maketab
local open = io.open
local function read_file(filename)
local file = open(filename, "r") -- r read mode
if not file then return nil end
local slurp = file:read "*all" -- reads the whole file (slurp)
return slurp
local content = read_file("Makefile.tmp");
content=content:gsub("TAB ", "\t")
-- Create new Makefile.mk (pdfTeX need ext)
outwhitmk = io.open("Makefile.mk", "w")
-- Create new Makefile (no ext)
outreal = io.open("Makefile", "w")
Write a external Makefile.tmp changue tab for TAB \newline
clean: clean-test
TAB rm -f *.bbl *.bcf *.bib *.blg *.xdy # biblatex
distclean: clean
TAB rm -f *.cls *.sty *.clo *.tar.gz *.tds.zip README
%.cls: %.dtx
TAB tex $<
%.pdf: %.dtx
TAB pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error $<
Show external Makefile.tmp \newline
\VerbatimInput[obeytabs, showtabs, tab=\rightarrowfill, tabcolor=red,showspaces, spacecolor=blue]{Makefile.tmp}
Now using directlua maketab.lua to reverse TAB to real tab character\newline
Show correct MakeFile (LuaTeX don't need ext)
\VerbatimInput[obeytabs, showtabs, tab=\rightarrowfill, tabcolor=red,showspaces, spacecolor=blue]{{Makefile}}
Show correct MakeFile (pdfTeX)
\VerbatimInput[obeytabs, showtabs, tab=\rightarrowfill, tabcolor=red,showspaces, spacecolor=blue]{Makefile.mk}
and I have two doubts about it:
Is the correct way to create a Makefile file from LaTeX, or is there any package that can do this (I do not want to re-invent the wheel).
Referring to the Lua code(
), is possible to rewrite the code in the following direct\directlua{dofile("maketab.lua",filein.ext,fileout[.ext]?)}
? , Pass the name of the input file with extension and the name of the output file with optional extension.
Grateful in advance.
should be used before\documentclass