How can I show that one, then another pair of electrons is moving from N to C in HCN? This is what I tried, and my "hacky way" of creating the extra pair between :C: and :N: worked for the last diagram, but for the life of me I could not get the 2nd diagram to show the correct arrow - from the pair above N to the pair just left of :N! It is pointing to the bottom of free space between C: and :N instead of the top of : next to N. enter image description here

I tried playing with \phantom{:} and a few other things I can't even remember now.



\chemfig{\lewis{,H}\quad \lewis{0:4:,C}\quad \lewis{0:2:6:,N}}

% Moving one pair to in between C and N
\chemfig{\lewis{,H}\quad @{C}\lewis{0:4:,C}@{b}\quad @{N}\lewis{0:4:6:,N}}
% This is pointing to the bottom of blank space between the moved pair and :C:
\draw(N) ..controls +(90:5mm) and +(90:5mm) .. (b);

\chemfig{\lewis{,H}\quad @{C}\lewis{0:4:,C}@{b}\quad @{N}\lewis{0:4:,N}}
% Here I did not know how to create another pair of electrons and rigged TikZ draw
\draw[fill] (-13.7pt,5.4pt) circle (0.7pt);
\draw[fill] (-13.7pt,2.1pt) circle (0.7pt);
\draw(N) ..controls +(-90:5mm) and +(-90:5mm) .. (b);


1 Answer 1


This is how I understand you want it. My suggestion is to stick to one type of unit and not mess around with pt, mm, and unit-less in the same graphics. Other than that you had pretty much done it correctly.



\chemfig{\lewis{,H}\quad \lewis{0:4:,C}\quad \lewis{0:2:6:,N}}


\chemfig{\lewis{,H}\quad @{C}\lewis{0:4:,C}@{b}\quad @{N}\lewis{0:4:6:,N}}
\draw(N) ..controls +(90:5mm) and ++(90:5mm) .. ++(-1.95mm,1mm);

\chemfig{\lewis{,H}\quad @{C}\lewis{0:4:,C}@{b}\quad @{N}\lewis{0:4:,N}}
\draw[fill] (b) ++(0,0.65mm)circle (0.25mm);
\draw[fill] (b) ++(0,1.75mm) circle (0.25mm);
\draw(N) ..controls +(-90:5mm) and +(-90:5mm) .. (b);


Sample output:

enter image description here

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