The aim is to have a main table of contents with two columns for the (sub)sections of a book. This can be achieved as given in the answer to the post : Patching \chapter command such that all lower sections are set in twocolumn in ToC.

In order to be able to add appendices inside a chapter, I have defined a subappendices environment, borrowing the idea to the appendix package.

At this stage, that works fine. To keep the traditional structure of a LaTeX document (ToC, mainmatter, appendices...) and taking into account some possible appendices as chapter, I have simply defined a new helper counter (see below the MWE).

Furthermore, the layout of pages for the subappendices has to be modified. With the geometry and etoolbox packages, I have wrapped the subappendices environment with \BeforeBeginEnvironment{subappendices}{\clearpage\newpagelayout} and \AfterEndEnvironment{subappendices}{\restoregeometry}.

Here an issue occurs when the document is ending by a subappendices environment. The \AtEndDocument macro doesn't end the muticols environment anymore in the ToC.

After some trial and error, I have remarked that adding some text at the end of the document can overpass the problem, but obviously adds also a new useless page (despite the fact that it could be empty using a \phantom macro).

I'm interested by any advice and explanation. What have I missed?




%-- Command for changing the page layout mid-document

% With \appendix macro \value{chapter} is resetted to zero

% From https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/199139
  ]% After-Code



    %\phantom{}% Works but adds a useless page

% Idea borrowed to the `appendix' package




\section{Appendix A}
\section{Appendix B}

\begin{subappendices}% It fails for the last subappendix
\section{Appendix A}
\section{Appendix B}


% Test: OK whithout and with `subappendices'
%\chapter{FOO appendix}

  • In my opinion the end code of subappendices should write \end{multicols} to the ToC, not in \pretocmd{\chapter}{...}{}{}
    – user31729
    Feb 23, 2017 at 6:40
  • I'm not convinced automating this 'automatic' method is a good idea with the \newgeometry/\restoregeometry. Why not simply define commands to do \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\begin{multicols}{2}} (and then to \end{multicols}) and mark off what you want typeset in multicolumns? However, if every chapter will conclude with a 'subappendix', then Christian's suggestion might be fine.
    – jon
    Feb 23, 2017 at 7:04
  • @Jon: Yes, I assumed that there's a subappendix in each chapter. If this is not the case, my comment from above is not applicable
    – user31729
    Feb 23, 2017 at 7:35

1 Answer 1


I added a \newif\ifmulticolsused and write a \ifmulticolsused - Test into the ToC such that ToC itself is responsible for the closure of the multicols environment.



%-- Command for changing the page layout mid-document

% With \appendix macro \value{chapter} is resetted to zero



% From http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/199139
  ]% After-Code


  % Close the multicols if needed

  % Close the multicols if needed

% Idea borrowed to the `appendix' package
  % Close the multicols if needed




\section{Appendix A}
\section{Appendix B}

\begin{subappendices}% It fails for the last subappendix
\section{Appendix A}
\section{Appendix B}


% Test: OK whithout and with `subappendices'
\chapter{FOO appendix}

  • It works like a charm in every use case: with and without `subappendix' ending. I had no time to answer to your comments that you send a solution! Many thanks.
    – ejazz
    Feb 23, 2017 at 9:06

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