I want to plot a bar plot with LaTeX with the layout that you can see in the picture that I've done with PowerPoint:

desired bar plot example

I don't want to do a subplot kind of graph since the datasets include the same data but collected in two different moments of an experiment.

Any idea on how to do it?

  • 1
    Hi, welcome. You could have a look at the pgfplots package and its groupplots library. (Don't have time to write up a solution now, but someone else might.) Feb 24, 2017 at 9:01
  • Hello and thanks to those who have replied.. Since it seems that my request was too generic, I've posted a follow-up question here: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/355517/…
    – Davide
    Feb 24, 2017 at 12:55

1 Answer 1


This is quite an easy task for PGFPlots. Because you weren't very specific for your needs, here I also just present an example on how to do it, using some dummy data copied from the manual.

If you have experimental data in a file and you need to use "symbolic coordinates", please also have a look at Remove the space between bars and axis. And if you really should need a second y-axis, also this can be done. For that have a look at Second y-axis inside groupplot.

Hopefully this gives you at least a good start. If you later need some more assistance in details, please feel free to ask a Follow-up question then.

            group style={
                group size=1 by 2,
                x descriptions at=edge bottom,
                y descriptions at=edge left,
                vertical sep=5mm,
            symbolic x coords={tool8,tool9,tool10},
            nodes near coords,
            \addplot coordinates {(tool8,7) (tool9,9) (tool10,4)};
            \addplot coordinates {(tool8,4) (tool9,4) (tool10,4)};
            \addplot coordinates {(tool8,1) (tool9,1) (tool10,1)};
            \addplot coordinates {(tool8,7) (tool9,9) (tool10,4)};
            \addplot coordinates {(tool8,4) (tool9,4) (tool10,4)};
            \addplot coordinates {(tool8,1) (tool9,1) (tool10,1)};

image showing the result of above code

  • Thanks for you example.. It is similar to what I need, but as I said, I didn't want two subplot.. I'm trying to draw a single plot with two different layers (in the same bounding box)... and with a single legend.. Any idea for that?
    – Davide
    Feb 24, 2017 at 12:06
  • Sorry, but I am not sure if I understand what you mean. The presented solution has only one bounding box. I am not sure what you mean with "different layers". Could you elaborate that in more detail, please. Best by editing your question and maybe adding a sketch of the desired result. Adding a single legend is also easy. There was more than one question ask here about this topic, so I guess you will find a solution that fits your needs. I don't state an example here, because you didn't specify any "boundary conditions" on how it should look like. Feb 24, 2017 at 14:04
  • Since you asked a follow-up question could you think of accepting this answer so it gets of the "still open" list. Many thanks. Feb 24, 2017 at 21:38
  • @Davide won't have been notified of those comments I think, Stefan, as they are under your answer. Mar 20, 2017 at 10:26

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