I need to change some minor things in my bibliography. I'm using biblatex with biber.
[done] How can I change the bibliography to be displayed in "\normalfont"? At the moment the title/subtitle/publisher/journal are in italic style and the url have a different style.
[done] How can I add a colon after the author in every documenttype
[done] Remove quotation marks around title in documenttype @article
[done] In documenttype @article and @book add a "." between titel and subtitle "title. subtitle."
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear, bibstyle=authortitle, sorting=nyt, maxbibnames=99, maxcitenames=3, doi=false, isbn=false, giveninits=true, uniquename=init, datezeros=true, urldate=iso8601, date=iso8601]{biblatex}
\DefineBibliographyStrings{german}{%et al. anstatt u. a.
andothers = {et al.},
urlseen = {Abrufdatum},
\DeclareFieldFormat [article] {journaltitle}{\normalfont{#1}}
\DeclareFieldFormat [book] {title}{\normalfont{#1}}
\DeclareFieldFormat [misc] {title}{\normalfont{#1}} \appto{\biburlsetup}{\renewcommand*{\UrlFont}{\normalfont}}
\DeclareFieldFormat [book] {title}{\normalfont{#1}} \renewcommand{\labelnamepunct}{\addcolon\space}
\DeclareFieldFormat [article] {title}{#1}
\DeclareFieldFormat [article] {title}{#1}
author = {Zhong, Chen-Bo and Liljenquist, Katie},
year = {2006},
title = {Washing Away Your Sins: Threatened Morality and Physical Cleansing},
pages = {1451--1452},
volume = {313},
number = {5792},
journal = {Science},
author = {Zikmund, William G.},
year = {2003},
title = {Business research methods},
edition = {7},
publisher = {Thomson/South-Western},
location = {Berlin},
author = {Thommen, Jean-Paul and Siepermann, Markus},
year = {2016},
title = {Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon: Stichwort: Heuristik},
url = {http://wirtschaftslexikon.gabler.de/Archiv/4969/heuristik-v8.html},
urldate = {1996-12-05},
article\footcite[Vgl.][1\psq]{Zhong.2006} \\
book\footcite[Vgl.][1\psq]{Zikmund.2003} \\
Overleaf: https://www.overleaf.com/8442810jqhmvxrsjmwb
Thank you!
somewhere (you probably haven't). But you will need to change your bib entries. You have the title field manually set astitle = {Washing Away Your Sins: Threatened Morality and Physical Cleansing}
. You have to separate them out:title = {Washing Away Your Sins}, subtitle = {Threatened Morality and Physical Cleansing}
is overkill.\DeclareFieldFormat[article]{journaltitle}{#1}
is enough. You can combine the format for several types into one\DeclareFieldFormat [article,book,misc]{title}{#1}
. If you want this for all entry types, go with\DeclareFieldFormat*{title}{#1}
. (Note that your code gets harder to read if you drop the indentation.)