I made this diagram and the only thing I want are two parallel arrows that go from node A to B and vice versa by using pb-diagram
package, so that I can label both arrows differently, because both nodes interact.
1 Answer
A possibile solution using tikz-cd
\node[draw,circle,inner sep=.5pt] {#1};
\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=4cm, column sep=2cm]
& \circlett{A} \arrow[ld,Leftrightarrow, "\mathrm{A-B}", "\mathrm{B-A}"'] & \\
\circlett{B}\arrow[rr,leftrightarrow, "\mathrm{B-C}", "\mathrm{C-B}"'] & & \circlett{C} \arrow[lu,Leftrightarrow, "\mathrm{C-A}", "\mathrm{A-C}"']
) to you posting.