I need to reproduce the following table using LaTeX.

Needed LaTeX table

I've tried to use a custom column separator, like @{$\oplus$}, but it affect every line of the table and that is not what I need.

    cell & cell & cell & cell & cell & cell & cell \\
    cell & cell & cell & cell & cell & cell & cell \\
    cell & cell & cell & cell & cell & cell & cell \\

I would like to be able to use a math symbol in place of + or =, like \oplus.


2 Answers 2


enter image description here




    cell & cell & cell & cell & cell & cell & cell \\
    cell & cell & cell & cell & cell & cell & cell \\
  • Thank you very much. Subsidiary question: What is the purpose of the \makebox[0pt] command?
    – John Doe
    Mar 5, 2017 at 17:12
  • 1
    @TomBarthe try it without:-) the content of ! (or @) is at the right hand edge of the previous cell, so if you just did + it would look as if it was to the left of the vertical rule below. \makebox forces it to have zero width overprinting the cell padding on either side so it sits over the | (but put in ++++++ and it will overprint the cell contents with no warning unless you increase \tabcolsep to leave more room. Mar 5, 2017 at 17:16

The first table is cleaner, the second table is with the obnoxious vertical rules.



\begin{tabular}{ c *{6}{@{$\mskip\thickmuskip$}c@{$\mskip\thickmuskip$}c} }
cell & $+$ & cell & $=$ & cell & $+$ & cell & $=$ & cell & $+$ & cell & $+$ & cell \\
cell && cell && cell && cell && cell && cell && cell \\
cell && cell && cell && cell && cell && cell && cell \\


\begin{tabular}{ |c *{6}{@{$\mskip\thickmuskip$}c@{$\mskip\thickmuskip$}c}| }
cell & $+$ & cell & $=$ & cell & $+$ & cell & $=$ & cell & $+$ & cell & $+$ & cell \\
cell &\vline& cell &\vline& cell &\vline& cell &\vline& cell &\vline& cell &\vline& cell \\
cell &\vline& cell &\vline& cell &\vline& cell &\vline& cell &\vline& cell &\vline& cell \\


enter image description here

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