I want to have a \mathbb{1} without affecting the usual appearance of \mathbb{R}.

I have tried the solutions given in https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/3493/8323 but the only that works is the \usepackage{mathbbol} (I suspect a package clash somewhere). But it affects all the other "blackboarded" characters.

Is it possible?

More precisions:

  • When I say "it affects all the other "blackboarded" characters", I mean the font of the "blackboard" changes. But the thing is I don't want to change all the "blackboarded" character; I only want to add one.

  • With other packages, it does not work: when I do \mathds{1} or \mathbbm{1} or, etc. the 1 is not doubled.

Apart from \usepackage{mathbbol}, the other packages I've tried are

  • Please post a MWE of what exactly rises your error.
    – TeXnician
    Commented Mar 9, 2017 at 15:43
  • If it is possible to help me with a solution without a MWE, it would be great. (I load a lot of packages)
    – Colas
    Commented Mar 9, 2017 at 15:50
  • But that's the purpose of an MWE, you're supposed to strip out the unnecessary packages and construct a minimal document for yourself
    – Au101
    Commented Mar 9, 2017 at 15:51
  • Yes I know! I'm telling that if it is possible to help me with a solution without a MWE, it would be great. Basically I'm asking how to extract a single symbol from a "font" package.
    – Colas
    Commented Mar 9, 2017 at 15:52
  • 2
    And a quick google search on the basic question results in this: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/14386/…
    – Skillmon
    Commented Mar 9, 2017 at 16:01

1 Answer 1


It's quite simple if you want the symbol at its natural height.






enter image description here

You can get equal height with some more work.


  <-5.5> s*[1.069] bbold5
  <5.5-6.5> s*[1.069] bbold6
  <6.5-7.5> s*[1.069] bbold7
  <7.5-8.5> s*[1.069] bbold8
  <8.5-9.5> s*[1.069] bbold9
  <9.5-11> s*[1.069] bbold10
  <11-15> s*[1.069] bbold12
  <15-> s*[1.069] bbold17





enter image description here


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