I have chapters numbered with roman numerals and sections numbered with arabic numbers (starting from 1 for each new section, i.e. section I.3, section II.3, section III.3 - and so on - are all just displayed as "section 3").
I had to format my thesis in this way to comply to the guidelines of the Faculty and I did that by including these line in the preamble:
Yet, given that - for example - section II.3 is labelled \label{sec:chap2sec3}
, I'd like to have in the text something like "see section II.3" when in the code I write "see section \ref{sec:chap2sec3}
(instead of just "see section 3" as I get at the moment).
What would be the easiest way to achieve this? Thanks in advance!
, but your labelling scheme is not really useful, in my point of view. As soon as the order of your sections etc. change sec3 isn't sec3 any longer.