Trying to compile a simple document using polyglossia with Hebrew as the default language:
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
\setdefaultlanguage[calendar=hebrew, numerals=hebrew]{hebrew}
\setmainfont{David CLM}
\State $A = 0$
Results in this using XeTeX:
! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again>
l.15 \begin{algorithmic}[1]
If I set the default language to English and other language to Hebrew it works fine though.
. If you delete it, no error happens. I am not sure about details. You can make a bug report at\TeXXeTstate=1
. And it is much safer to loadalgpseudocode
package before loadingpolyglossia
but that doesn't compile at all. Deleting thenumerals
also doesn't compile.\section{}
it does compile without thenumerals
, but the original error is stil there.