I use autonum package to number the equations only when they are referenced. However, sometimes I want to refer to a range of equations. For example, I have 4 equations and I type \eqref{eq1}-\eqref{eq4}. But, the 2 equations in between will not be numbered, since they are not referenced. Is there some way to manually number these equations as well?

Here is a minimal example

equation 1  \label{e1}
equation 2
equation 3
equation 4  \label{e4}

I want to refer to \eqref{e1}-\eqref{e4}, but the middle two will not be numbered with autonum.
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    – TeXnician
    Commented Mar 19, 2017 at 16:16

3 Answers 3


The following example provides \retainlabel{<label>} which acts like \label{<label>} but also immediately sets a \ref{<label>} inside a box. The \ref is never set, but called and therefore not removed by autonum:

enter image description here





  f_1(x) = ax^2 + bx + c \label{eqn:one}
  f_2(x) = ax^2 + bx + c \retainlabel{eqn:two}
  f_3(x) = ax^2 + bx + c \retainlabel{eqn:three}
  f_4(x) = ax^2 + bx + c \label{eqn:four}

See \eqref{eqn:one}--\eqref{eqn:four}.


autonum offers "+" variants of math environments, including equation+ which get numbered regardless of being referenced or not:

equation 1  \label{e1}
equation 2
equation 3
equation 4  \label{e4}
I want to refer to \eqref{e1}--\eqref{e4}, and now the middle two will also be
numbered with autonum.

enter image description here





Consider \cref{a,b,c}.

I've included hypertext because the ordering of packages is important when you use autonum. Cleveref is one of my favorite packages.

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