Is there any way I can fit this equation into column width?
\frac{\partial P_k}{\partial V_{r_o}} =
& 2V_{r_k}G_{kk}(T) + \sum^{n}_{i=1} (G_{ki}(T)V_{r_i}-B_{ki}(T)V_{m_i}) \\
& \sum_{o=1}^{n} (B_{ko}(T)V_{r_o}+G_{ko}(T)V_{m_o})
Because I am working on IEEEtrans
style, every page is two columns and I want to fit it in single column width.
This is what I am trying to get
\frac{\partial P_k}{\partial V_{r_o}} =
2V_{r_k}G_{kk}(T) + \sum^{n}_{i=1} (G_{ki}(T)V_{r_i}-B_{ki}(T)V_{m_i})
\textnormal{for $o=k$}\\
\sum_{o=1}^{n} (B_{ko}(T)V_{r_o}+G_{ko}(T)V_{m_o}) \textnormal{for $o\neq k$}
But the conditions need to be aligned and the entire equation, I was hoping, could be possibly fit in the column.
This is where I am so far
\frac{\partial P_k}{\partial V_{r_o}} =
2V_{r_k}G_{kk}(T) + \sum^{n}_{i=1} (G_{ki}(T)V_{r_i}-B_{ki}
(T)V_{m_i})~&\textnormal{for $o=k$} \\
(V_{r_k}G_{ko}(T)+V_{m_k}B_{ko}(T))~&\textnormal{for $o\neq k$}
\frac{\partial P_k}{\partial V_{r_o}} =
&2V_{r_k}G_{kk}(T) + \sum^{n}_{i=1}(G_{ki}(T)V_{r_i}-B_{ki}(T)V_{m_i})~&&\textnormal{for $o=k$} \\
&\sum_{o=1}^{n} (B_{ko}(T)V_{r_o}+G_{ko}(T)V_{m_o})~&&\textnormal{for $o\neq k$}
Anyway now to fit them into the column width without multiline or splitting?
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