I need to create a signature page as shown in the image below in LaTeX. I have no clue on where to start and the commands that I would need. Could someone please help me.

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


I would create a macro that contains the construction of the name/signature/date setup. Then you can pass parameters to the macro so it can be somewhat dynamic.

In the minimal working example below, the macro \namesigdate[<width>]{<name>} does exactly that. You can pass it <name> which prints the name of the person at the top. This argument is mandatory. The width of the line is set at 5cm (default). If you want to change this, you can use the optional <width> argument that takes any known (La)TeX length:

enter image description here

    #2 \\[2\normalbaselineskip] \hrule \\[0pt]
    {\small \textit{Signature}} \\[2\normalbaselineskip] \hrule \\[0pt]
    {\small \textit{Date}}

\noindent \namesigdate{Name1} \hfill \namesigdate[3cm]{Name2}


I've also formatted the "Signature" and "Date" to be print using \small\itshape, although that can be modified.


There are many way to do this. One way would be to use a minipage to generate each of the signature blocks. This could be further enhanced to use tikz to draw the line which allows easier customization in terms of the line style that you want.

Basic Solution:

Here is the basic minipage solution (adapted from Werner's):

    #2 \vspace{1.0cm}\hrule\smallskip
    \small \textit{Signature}
    \small \textit{Date}
\noindent \namesigdate{Name1} \hfill \namesigdate[3cm]{Name2}

Enhanced Solution:

Here is the "overkill" version using tikz:

enter image description here

I have shown a few of the customizations that are available. See the TikZ/PGF manual for more options if needed.


\newcommand{\namesigdatehrule}[1]{\par\tikz \draw [blue, densely dotted, ultra thick] (0,0) -- (#1,0);\par}
    #2 \vspace{1.0cm}\namesigdatehrule{#1}\smallskip
    \small \noindent\textit{Signature}
    \small \textit{Date}
\noindent \namesigdate{Name1} \hfill \namesigdate[3cm]{Name2}

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