I am using the article class:
With this setup, I am trying to add an appendix after the bibliography:
\pagebreak %or actually any other command for starting on a new page (newpage, clearpage)
%appendix title
%appendix content
The appendix starts on a new page. However, it should also have a title displayed on the same page. I have tried a wide choice of commands to have the appendix title on the same page, but nothing works. Anything I do sets the appendix title to a new page and the appendix content on yet another page. I want a new page after the bib and the appendix title and content should both be on that new page. Can anyone help?
Thanks, anne
? Note that you should use\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
together with the\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
package last.\section
works as desired in the body of my article (inline sectioning), but after the bib it creates a pagebreak.subfigure
, use eithersubfig
. (2) Instead oflatexsym
, useamssymb
. (3) Instead oftimes
, usenewtxtext