I have decided to switch from Powerpoint to Beamer, and for my first presentation I'd like to use the metropolis theme, and the same colors as in this goggle slide template:
I tried to do some research about it, the closest answers I found are the question Beamer how to change color of infolines and frame title and the beamer appearance cheat sheet. I tried this code:
\definecolor{bluegreen}{rgb}{3, 166, 155}
\definecolor{pitchblack}{rgb}{0, 0, 0}
\definecolor{lightbeige}{rgb}{255, 251, 241}
\definecolor{mediumgray}{rgb}{183, 183, 183}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=pitchblack}
\setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=lightbeige}
\setbeamercolor{headline}{bg=bluegreen, fg=mediumgray}
\frametitle{The title}
Lorem ipsum...
I does everything I want, except that the title bar's background color is lightbeige:
What did I do wrong? Or what argument should I pass to \setbeamercolor
to get it right? Thanks in advance :-).