I would like to change the following code which uses the tikz-feynman
package to draw a Feynman diagram:
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline={(current bounding box.center)}]
\vertex (a) {\(\rho\)};
\vertex [above left=of a] (b) {\(W^{+},p_{1},\mu_{1}\)};
\vertex [below left=of a] (d) {\(W^{-},p_{2},\mu_{2}\)};
\vertex [ right=of a] (f) {\(\sigma\)};
\vertex [above right=of f] (c) {\(W^{+},k_{1},\nu_{1}\)};
\vertex [below right=of f] (e) {\(W^{-},k_{2},\nu_{2}\)};
\diagram* {
(b) -- [boson] (a) -- [boson] (d),
(a) -- [boson, edge label'=\(Z\)] (f),
(c) -- [boson] (f) -- [boson] (e),
The code results in the following diagram:
I would like to move the rho
and sigma
indices to a side of the vertices.
How can I accomplish this?