There are two main ways in which you can achieve that in TikZ-Feynman (CTAN).
Defining an extra large
Just like large
and small
are defined in TikZ-Feynman, you can define new styles. In particular, you can adapt the style from large
and make you own extra large
style. The large
style is (essentially) defined to be:
/tikz/node distance=2cm,
/graph drawing/node distance=2.5cm,
/graph drawing/level distance=2cm,
/graph drawing/sibling distance=3cm,
/tikzfeynman/every dot@@/.append style={/tikz/minimum size=2mm},
/tikzfeynman/every crossed dot@@/.append style={/tikz/minimum size=4mm},
/tikzfeynman/every blob@@/.append style={/tikz/minimum size=1cm},
/tikzfeynman/arrow size=1.6pt,
So taking all the distances and doubling them:
extra large/.style={
/tikz/node distance=4cm,
/graph drawing/node distance=5cm,
/graph drawing/level distance=4cm,
/graph drawing/sibling distance=6cm,
/tikz/graphs/edges={very thick},
/tikzfeynman/every dot@@/.append style={/tikz/minimum size=4mm},
/tikzfeynman/every crossed dot@@/.append style={/tikz/minimum size=8mm},
/tikzfeynman/every blob@@/.append style={/tikz/minimum size=2cm},
/tikzfeynman/arrow size=3.2pt,
\feynmandiagram [extra large, horizontal=a to b] {
i1 [particle=$e^{-}$] -- [fermion] a -- [fermion] i2 [particle=\(e^{+}\)],
a -- [photon] b,
f1 [particle=\(\mu^{+}\)] -- [fermion] b -- [fermion] f2 [particle=\(\mu^{-}\)],
The problem here is that the lines are becoming comically large compared to the size of the text. The font size can be adjusted by adding /tikz/node font=\huge
to the style in which case the output becomes a lot more reasonable:
The issue is still that the photon line is quite small which I don't really like. You can keep modifying the extra large
style to fix this, but you'll have to do this for the gluons, the scalars, etc.
Using \scalebox
An alternative is to use a scale box around the diagram which scales all of the content by the specified scale factor:
\feynmandiagram [horizontal=a to b] {
i1 [particle=$e^{-}$] -- [fermion] a -- [fermion] i2 [particle=\(e^{+}\)],
a -- [photon] b,
f1 [particle=\(\mu^{+}\)] -- [fermion] b -- [fermion] f2 [particle=\(\mu^{-}\)],
In this instance, everything is scaled by a factor of 2 including the text and the size of the sine wave in the photon line.