I have a table and figure that I need them to appear side-by-side. The figure appears in a higher position than the table. I need to align them so that their sizes are equivalent. This is the script and the output compared to what I need.

Item1 & Item2 \\
C & 100  \\
B & 200  \\
C & 300 \\

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


enter image description here

  • outer minipage is surplus
  • both inner minipages pages have proper position options [b]
  • to table you need add position option [b]
  • with booktabs you can obtain simpler code for horizontal lines in table



    \toprule    %[0.3pt] 
Item1 & Item2 \\
    \midrule    %[0.3pt]
C & 100  \\
B & 200  \\
C & 300 \\
    \bottomrule %[0.3pt]

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