I have a LaTeX root file that refers to many other single files. Those files are included/referenced by
But somehow Pandoc is generating the output just from the main tex file (the entry point) and does not follow the inputs. What am I doing wrong?
pandoc main.tex -t docx -o main.docx
Remark: I'm trying to import the LaTeX to Adobe Indesign by converting it to Docx first and then to Indesign.
Update: I created a minimum working example. Seems that the input file are correctly referenced but still I get tons of other errors that seem to be related to the corporate layout that uses Tkiz drawings. The Pandoc version is on MacOS 10.12.4 (Sierra). The Pandoc command is:
pandoc booklet2016.tex -t docx -o booklet2016.docx
. trymk4ht oolatex filename.tex
. The generated ODT file can be converted to DOCX using LIbreOffice or Word.docx
? I've downloaded you MWE, and the files are included, at least the parts that pandoc can interpret. As an experiment, include in every file as first line something likeThis is \verb"filename".
(replacing of coursefilename
with the respective filename). In the generated docx I find traces of the subfiles. But apparently commands like\lipsum
and tikz code is beyond the abilities of pandoc.