How do I draw picture like this with tikzpicture?

enter image description here

  • 2
    Welcome to TeX.SX! Please show what you've got (MWE).
    – TeXnician
    Apr 9, 2017 at 16:21

4 Answers 4


Here's a version with control points and bent left etc. options as well.




\coordinate (P) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Q) at (4,0);
\foreach \x in {P,Q} {
  \draw[fill] (\x) circle (0.05);
\node[left] (P1) at (P) {$P$};
\node[right] (Q1) at (Q) {$Q$};
\coordinate (PQ) at ($(P)!.5!(Q)$);
\draw (P) -- ($(PQ)-(0.5,0)$);
\draw ($(PQ)+(0.5,0)$) -- (Q);
\node (air) at (PQ) {air};
\coordinate (CPQ1) at ($(PQ) - (1,0)$);
\coordinate (CPQ2) at ($(PQ) + (1,0)$);
\draw[dashed] let \p{1}=(CPQ1),\p{2}=(CPQ2) in (P) .. controls (\x1,\upperarc) and (\x2,\upperarc) .. (Q);
\draw[dashed] let \p{1}=(CPQ1),\p{2}=(CPQ2) in (P) .. controls (\x1,\lowerarc) and (\x2,\lowerarc) .. node[midway,above] {sea} (Q);
\draw (P) to [bend left=30]  (Q);
\draw (P) to [bend right=30]  (Q);
\draw[dotted] (P) to [bend right=30] (Q);
\draw[dotted] let \p{1}=(CPQ1),\p{2}=(CPQ2) in (P) .. controls (\x1,-\upperarc) and (\x2,-\upperarc) .. (Q);
\draw[dotted] let \p{1}=(CPQ1),\p{2}=(CPQ2) in (P) .. controls (\x1,-\lowerarc) and (\x2,-\lowerarc) .. node[midway,below] {road} (Q);


enter image description here

        \coordinate (P) at (-3,0);
        \coordinate (Q) at (3,0);
        \draw [fill=black] (P) circle (0.05) node [left] {$P$};
        \draw [fill=black] (Q) circle (0.05) node [right] {$Q$};
        \draw[] (P) to[bend left = 20](Q);
        \draw[dashed] (P) to[bend left =40]  node[above] {\small sea} (Q);
        \draw[dashed] (P) to[bend left =70] (Q);
        \draw[] (P) -- node [circle, fill=white] {\small air} (Q); %================================
        \draw[] (P) to[bend right =20] (Q);
        \draw[dotted] (P) to[bend right =40]  node[below] {\small road} (Q);
        \draw[dotted] (P) to[bend right =70] (Q);

enter image description here


A PSTricks solution.


enter image description here

  • 1
    (+1) The lower curves should be dotted.
    – Bernard
    Apr 9, 2017 at 18:46

one more alternative ...

\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}


node distance = 5mm and 40mm,
    looseness = 1.2,
   dot/.style = {circle,fill=black, inner sep=1pt, node contents={}},
\node (p) [dot,label= left:$P$, at={(0,0)}];
\node (q) [dot,label=right:$Q$, right=of p];
\draw[dashed] (p) to [out= 60,in= 120]  (q)
              (p) to [out= 30,in= 150] node[above] {sea}  (q); 
\draw[dotted] (p) to [out=-30,in=-150] node[below] {road} (q)
              (p) to [out=-60,in=-120]  (q);
        \draw (p) to [out= 15,in= 165]  (q)
              (p) -- node[fill=white] {air}  (q)
              (p) to [out=-15,in=-165]  (q);

enter image description here

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