I have a table written in tabu
and wrapped in a table
environment, but it is using 1.1\textwidth
, and extends beyond the right margin of the page while anchored to the left margin. How do I make it centered so that it extends beyond the margin on both sides equally? Thanks.
This is my code:
\begin{tabu} to 1.1\textwidth{| X[l] | X[l] | X[l] |}
\textbf{Apparatus/material} & \textbf{Quantity/amount/mass used} & \textbf{Uncertainty}\\
Magnesium sulfate & 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25 mol & $\pm$0.01g\\
Yeast, dried & 2.000g & $\pm$0.01g\\
Glucose (dextrose) & 3.000g & $\pm$0.01g\\
200cm\textsuperscript{3} beaker & 1 & NIL\\
Test tube & 4 & NIL\\
250cm\textsuperscript{3} measuring cylinder & 1 & $\pm$1cm\textsuperscript{3}\\
10cm\textsuperscript{3} measuring cylinder & 1 & $\pm$0.1cm\textsuperscript{3}\\
Glass rod & 1 & NIL\\
Filter funnel & 1 & NIL\\
Vernier gas pressure sensor & 4 & $\pm$0.4mmHg\\
Vernier LabQuest datalogger & 1 & NIL\\
Excell BH-600 electronic balance & 1 & $\pm$0.01g\\
Apollo vortex mixer & 1 & NIL\\
Parafilm & NIL & NIL\\
\caption{Table of materials and apparatus}
This gives the table: