I have long messages in an msc diagram. I thought of splitting the message into two lines so they do not overlap. I tried parbox but that resulted in an error. How can I split text line in an msc message? The code and ouput are shown below.




\begin{msc}[small values, /msc/level height=0.6cm, /msc/label distance=0.5ex , /msc/first level height=0.75cm]{}


\mess{ Long message1(......,A very long message goes here,......)} {A}{B}
\mess{Long message2(......,A very long message goes here,......)} {B}{C} 



enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Note to other users: this code is written for the development version of msc, available from http://satoss.uni.lu/software/mscpackage/. It will not work with the version of msc that is on CTAN.

You can use \mess[text width=3cm,align=center]{...

output of code


\begin{msc}[small values, /msc/level height=0.6cm, /msc/label distance=0.5ex , /msc/first level height=0.75cm]{}


\mess[text width=3cm,align=center]{ Long message1(......,A very long message goes here,......)} {A}{B}
\mess[text width=3cm,align=center]{Long message2(......,A very long message goes here,......)} {B}{C} 


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