For a project, I wanted to draw a certain region in hyperbolic space. The boundary of that region consists of line segments and arcs of circles. I can call the draw
function for line segments or arcs:
\draw (a,b) -- (c,d);
\draw (a,b) arc (theta1:theta2:r);
I find the endpoints as accurately as possible (that's fine).
The arc function is defined where
is the starting pointtheta1
is the staring angletheta2
is the ending angle
The angle conventions of TiKZ are so confusing, after much trial and error, I realized that my radius is always 1, and the two points are ( ± 1/2, √3/2 ) I have available to me, the starting point (a,b)
the ending point (c,d)
and the radius of the circle.
Mainly I need the gray shaded region (A), it's inversion under the unit circle (B), and the union (A+B), it looks sort of like a pencil.
The obvious part (now) is that my lines need to be push inwards by 0.5, then I have to set with a pencil and find what angle the vertical line hits the circle (maybe 60°)?
However, for the smaller circles, this simple drawing exercise becomes a mess. However, conformal maps to preserve Euclidean angles; the intersections may rotate a bit as we iterate through SL(2,Z).
Here is my incorrect code:
\draw[fill=blue!5!white, line width=0.5, draw=green]
(0,0.5) arc (90:0:0.5)--
(0.5,0) arc (180:0:0.5)--
(1.5,0) arc (180:90:0.5)--
\draw[color=black!20!white] (0, 3)--(0, 1);
\draw[color=black!20!white] (1, 3)--(1, 1);
\draw[color=black!20!white] (2, 3)--(2, 1);
\draw[color=black!20!white] (2,0) arc (0 :180:1);
\draw[color=black!20!white] (1,0) arc (0 : 90:1);
\draw[color=black!20!white] (1,0) arc (180: 90:1);
\draw[line width = 1] (-0.5,0)--(2,0);
\draw[line width = 1] (0,3)--(0,0);
Draw arc in tikz when center of circle is specified
. In particular\centerarc
it is combination of line segments and circular arcs... I have provided code to show my line of thinking.